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I am 26 year old IT professional. I have never lived to myself so far in life. Throughout my life, I have always thought so much even on the useless tiniest things and haven’t converted them to actions. So, I have started living in my thoughts only, good or bad. I have never felt comfortable in that situation and I could feel some part of my mind working detached from myself which is painful every moment. I don’t remember if I have lived my life freely even as a child anytime. Due to this I have developed some incurable skin diseases (According to allopathic doctors) which cause problems public ally and ultimately putting more stress. My mental state is very negative; doubt everything in my life. I luckily got to AOL basic course 9 months back and felt great. Following the kriya almost regularly. I am going for Yes++ advance starting Jun 18. Please guide me.
You are on the right track… Keep moving! Remember the intellect always doubts the positive. Sadhana, Seva and Satsang is the best formula to get out of sticky situations in life, and not get into them in the first place as well! ... -
I am in a dilemma…There are times when I want to instinctively do things but my analytical mind jumps in and starts analyzing. So, there is more thinking than actually implementing. Being more specific, like wanting to dance when u feel like and not doing it because of what people may think. Being even more specific, I have been placed in a firm and have a months time after exams before I start work, I want to ask for an extension because I want to go on a Himalayan trek for 15 days, and want to do seva in the ashram for 15 days and spend time with my grandparents. But my analytical mind is holding me back!!!! Can I trust my instincts? If I could I would have sent this mail two days early!!!
Yup trust your instincts. And dance and sing and laugh and cry when you want to. Life is too short to bother about what other people may think. ... -
What is the relation between silence and prayer?
Silence is the best form of prayer. Often prayer is in some language – German, Hindi, English, Spanish. In fact, they all mean the same. But silence is one step further, one step beyond the barriers of language which the whole universe can understand. Natu ... -
How to increase our competence to receive knowledge?
Just have thirst, it comes naturally. There is no special competence required, a mere thirst is enough. ... -
Do you feel Ayurveda is the most comprehensive of traditional healthcare systems and could you explain what Ayurveda is as well?
Ayurvedic medicines have been proven to be have no side effects at all and have been practiced for thousands of years. So I feel we have to take the diagnostic systems from allopathy and there are other modern gadgets we have to use. But as far as treat ... -
In my country most people are of opinion that you can’t raise a child without non- vegetarian diet for in that case body will lack in amino acids and brain won’t function properly. What should I do?
Ample research has been done to the contrary of this theory. Look into that. There are millions of people who are vegetarian in the west and they are very brilliant. In fact most of the genius people in west including Einstein were vegetarian. Many of t ... -
What are the differences between various religions?
Religion has three components: symbols, customs and traditions, and values. There is no difference as far as values are concerned, because all talk about oneness. Customs and symbols are all very different; they have to be. This is what makes the wo ... -
How much difference is there between science and spirituality? Why do not some scientists believe in spirituality?
Evolved scientists surely believe in spirituality. Those who are not yet fully evolved may not believe in spirituality. Einstein was startled after reading Bhagwad Gita. If you hear a quantum physicist talking, you will feel as if the text is being quot ... -
Is it possible to become like a child again and to rekindle that positive vibration around us?
It is possible. The secret lies in our own breath. Through breathing exercises, certain breathing techniques and some practice of meditation, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us. Are you aware that sometimes for no reasons you feel ...