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  1. Sudarshan Kriya- Management organization

    I found the APEX Course to be a true team building event. There was a real feeling of community and responsibility generated within all of us who took the training. I would recommend this course to any management team wanting to make significant improveme ...
  2. SK6

    After doing the Sudarshan Kriya I have more energy and am relaxed and calm... and I actually slept well for the first time in 22 years! ...
  3. SK5

    Two years ago, I had been suffering from chronic appendicitis and was asked to undergo surgery. Ever since my Kriya practice, I no longer have this pain. ...
  4. SK3

    I remember being buried with my dead classmates around me under the concrete pile and mess. Only three others survived. Please thank those teachers for me. After doing the exercises, I feel free now. ...
  5. SK1

    I feel very satisfied because I know that whenever I feel fatigued, stressed out or just simply want to refresh myself, I know of a simple exercise that will work wonders and is something I can rely on throughout my life. ...
  6. FAQs on Sudarshan Kriya

    Michael Fischman: During the Art of Living Basic Course there is a lot of focus on the breath. Why is that? Gurudev: Our breath plays a very important role in our life. The breath is the connecting link between the inner world of the mind and the outer wo ...
  7. Sudarshan Kriya- Love myself

    Former director of Los Angeles County, V.A.P Anger Management Program, Camp Michael Smith, Camp Francis Scobee “Wards who entered camp with their hard, angry composures and delinquent attitudes were transformed by the end of one week into happy, smiling y ...
  8. Sudarshan Kriya- Love myself

    Being a youth I’ve undergone so many challenges and so many times it resulted in being depressed, angry... it’s all so confusing at this age... but when I did the Sudarshan Kriya it changed all this. Once upon a time I would just criticize myself so much ...
  9. Sudarshan Kriya- Absolute freedom from stress

    When I did the Sudarshan Kriya, I felt such absolute freedom – all anxieties, thoughts, stresses gone. I had never felt such exhilaration in my life before. And I’ve found that with practice of the kriya, this state enters my regular life more and more. ...
  10. Sudarshan Kriya- More confidence

    “For me, this program is really an experience to see how the impossible becomes possible. I used to be a person who became easily overwhelmed by positive or negative emotions. Having regularly started practicing my breathing techniques I really feel the d ...