World Venerates Wisdom
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s vision of a violence-free, stress-free society through the reawakening of human values has been recognized and appreciated the world over. Gurudev has been honored for his contribution to humanity in the fields of conflict resolution, peace promotion and for promoting human values. The awards and felicitations bestowed on Gurudev celebrate the causes that he champions as well as his philosophy of a one world family.
Communities from different backgrounds and faiths have joined in Gurudev’s mission of creating a stress-free, violence-free world. When Gurudev was awarded the Culture in Balance award in October 2009, he said: “I share this award with all those people who stand for a violence-free and stress-free society. This award is not for a person or personality, but for a principle that stands for the ideal of a one world family and cultural plurality.”
These awards celebrate the coming together of people for peace and service.
A világ tiszteleg a bölcsesség előtt
A világ, tisztelegve Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar bölcsessége és jövőképe előtt, számos kitüntetéssel és elismeréssel jutalmazta őt. Az emberi értékek felélesztésével elérhető erőszak- és stresszmentes társadalomról alkotott jövőképét világszerte felismerték és elismerték. Az évek során Gurudev számos nemzeti és nemzetközi kitüntetésben – legmagasabb állami díjak és elismerések, valamint neves szervezetek által alapított díjak –részesült.
Sri Srit öt indiai és egy Sri Lankai egyetem avatta díszdoktorává az emberiség szolgálatának elismeréseképpen. 2009-ben a gödöllői Szent István Egyetem is díszdoktori címet adományozott neki.
Az Egyesült Államok és Kanada több városa Őszentsége látogatásának napját Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Nappá nyilvánította, több ország pedig a „Nagyrabecsült Vendég” elismerésben részesítette. Washington DC városa Gurudev 2007-es látogatását azzal tette emlékezetessé, hogy ott tartózkodásának idejét az Emberi Értékek Hetévé nyilvánította. Emellett több amerikai és kanadai város díszpolgárává avatták. 2006-ban az indiai Jaipur városában tett látogatása során a polgármester jelképesen átnyújtotta neki városa kulcsait.
Díszdoktori címek (note:University Doctorates)
- Díszdoktor, Nyenrode Egyetem, Hollandia, 2012. június 15.
- Díszdoktor, Suresh Gyan Vihar Egyetem, Radzsasztán, India, 2012
- Díszdoktor, Szent István Egyetem, Gödöllő, 2009
- Díszdoktor, Bangalore Egyetem, India, 2009
- Díszdoktor, Nagardzsuna Egyetem, India, 2008
- Tudományok Doktora, Radzsiv Gandhi Orvosi Egyetem, India, 2007
- Filozófia Doktora, Kiegészítő Orvostudomány Nemzetközi Nyílt Egyeteme, Sri Lanka, 2006
- Díszdoktor, Kuvempu Egyetem, India, 2004
Nemzetközi elismerések (note:International Honors)
- Díj a Békéért és az Összhangért, Al-Mustafa Egyetem, Delhi, India, 2012. március 11.
- Vishwa Chetana díj, India, 2011. december 19.
- A Világ Humanistája Díj, Berlin, 2011. július 1.
- Crans Montana Fórum Díj, Brüsszel, 2011. június 24.
- 2010 Atmajyoti Díj, Új-Delhi, India, 2010. szeptember 23.
- Kulturális Egyensúly Díj, Drezda, Németország, 2009. október 10.
- Díszdoktor, Szent István Egyetem, Gödöllő, Magyarország, 2009. június 24.
- A Békegalambok szervezet által adományozott Békegömb, Norvégia, 2009. június 13.
- Phoenix Díj, Atlanta, USA, 2008
- Díszpolgár és Békenagykövet, Houston, USA, 2008
- Dicséret, New Jersey, USA, 2008
- A Világbéke Építője Díj, India, 2008
- „Kelet Fénye” Nemzeti Díj, India, 2008
- Az ENSZ Ezredforduló Kampány elismerése az Ezredfordulós Fejlesztési Célok eléréséhez való hozzájárulásért
- Washington DC városa Gurudev látogatásának hetét az „Emberi Értékek Hetének” nyilvánította.
- Háborús Veteránok Nemzeti Alapítványa Díj, USA, 2007
- A Világbékéért és Egyetértésért Végzett Kiemelkedő Munkáért Díj, Amity Egyetem, India, 2007
- Díszpolgár, Baltimore, Kanada, 2006
- Díszpolgár, Calgary, Kanada, 2006
- Calgary Közgyűlése Százéves Évfordulós Medálja, Kanada, 2006
- A Gyermekek Szeretetéért Társaság 2006-os Nemzetközi Békedíja,Alberta, Kanada, 2006
- Brampton városának Humanitárius Díja, Ontario, 2006
- Sarkcsillag Rendje, Mongólia, 2006
- Nagy Péter Díj aranyfokozata, Oroszország, 2006
- Miniszterelnöki Kitüntetés, Mongólia, 2006
- Alberta Közgyűlése Százéves Évfordulós Medálja, Kanada, 2006
- Dara Shikon Nemzeti Díj az Egyetértésért, Új-Delhi, 2005
- Nemzetközi Humanitárius Díj, Illinois, USA, 2005
- Bharat Shiromani Díj, Új-Delhi, India, 2004
- Mahavir-Mahatma Díj, India, 2004
- Illusztris Látogatók Díja, Buenos Aires, Argentína, 2004
- Phoenix Díj, Atlanta, USA, 2002
- Guru Mahatmya Díj, Maharashtra Kormánya, India, 1997
- A Yale „Isteni” Iskola Tanácsadó Testületének tagja, USA, 1990
- Az India elnöke által odaítélt Yoga Shiromani (a Jóga Drágaköve) cím, India, 1986
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Lépj kapcsolatba Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarral
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar irodái Az Élet Művészete indiai központjában és Washington DC-ben találhatóak.
India | Washington, D.C., USA | ||||
Kapcsolattartó : | Girin Govind | Kapcsolattartó: | Ajay Tejasvi | ||
Telefon: | +91-80-28432273/4 | Telefon: | +1 202 492 5522 | ||
Fax: | +91 80 2843 2833 | Fax: | +1 202 470 0432 | ||
Email: | | Email: | | ||
Cím: | Office of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | ||||
21st KM, Kanakapura Road, | |||||
Udaypura, Bangalore,South, | |||||
Karnataka-560 082, India. | Cím: | Office of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | |||
2401 N 15th St NW, | |||||
Washington DC 20009, USA. |
- International Honors
- University Doctorates
- Gurudev
- Featured Awards
- Siddha Shri Award, Belgaum, Karnataka, India, Dec 2, 2012
Sir M. Visvesvaraya Memorial Award, Bangalore, India, Oct. 1, 2012
Highest civilian award 'National Order of Merito de Comuneros, Paraguay, September 13, 2012
Illustrious citizen by the Paraguayan Municipality, September 12, 2012
Illustrious guest of the city of Asuncion, Paraguay, September 12, 2012
Tiradentes Medal in Rio, the highest honor from Rio de Janeiro State, Sept. 3, 2012
The Sivananda World Peace award, Sivananda Foundation, South Africa, Aug. 26, 2012
Award for peace and harmony by the Al-Mustafa University, Delhi, India, March 11, 2012
Vishwa Chetana award, India, December 19, 2011
Human of the World Award, (bestowed by the Academy of National Security of Russia), Berlin, July 1, 2011
Crans Montana Forum Award, Brussels, June 24, 2011
2010 Atmajyoti Award, Delhi, India (Sept. 23, 2010)
2009 Culture in Balance Award, Dresden, (Germany), October 10, 2009
The Ball of Peace awarded by The Peace Doves, Norway, June 13, 2009
Phoenix Award, Atlanta, USA, 2008
Honorary Citizenship and Goodwill Ambassador, Houston, USA, 2008
Proclamation of Commendation, New Jersey, 2008
Architect of World Peace Award, India, 2008
‘Light of East’ National Award, India, 2008
Honored by United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) for his contributions towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, 2007
Honored by the city of Washington DC by proclaiming the week of his visit as ‘Human Values Week’ in March 2007
National Veterans Foundation Award, USA, 2007
Leadership Award for Extraordinary Promotion of World Peace and Harmony by Amity University, New Delhi, 2007
Honorary Citizenship by City of Baltimore, Canada, 2006
Honorary Citizen of the city of Calgary, Canada, 2006
Centennial 2006 Medallion by the Legislative Assembly of Calgary, Canada, 2006
The 2006 International Peace Award by ‘For the Love of Children Society of Alberta Canada’, 2006
The Humanitarian Award by the city of Brampton, Ontario, 2006
Order of the Pole Star, Mongolia, 2006
Peter the Great First Grade Award, Russia, 2006
Mongolian Prime Minister’s Award, Mongolia, 2006
Alberta Legislative Centennial 2006 Medallion, 2006
Dara Shikoh National Award for Harmony, New Delhi, India, 2005
Global Humanitarian Award, Illinois, USA, 2005
Mahavir-Mahatma Award India, 2005
Bharat Shiromani Award, New Delhi, India, 2004
The Illustrious Visitors Award, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004
Phoenix Award, USA, 2002
Guru Mahatmya Award by Government of Maharashtra, India, 1997
Nominated to the Advisory Board of Yale Divinity School, USA, 1990
Title of Yoga Shiromani (Supreme Jewel of Yoga) by the President of India, 1986 - Honorary Doctorate, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Jan 19, 2013
Doctorate Honoris Causa, Universidad Autonoma de Asuncion of Paraguay, September 13, 2012
Diploma of Honour from the Buenos Aires University, September 6, 2012
Honoris Causa Doctor, Siglo XXI University Campus, Cordoba, Argentina, September 5, 2012
Honorary doctorate, Nyenrode University, Netherlands, June 15, 2012
Honorary Doctorate from Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Rajasthan, India, 2012
Professor Honoris Causa, Szent Istvan University, Budapest, (Hungary), June 24, 2009
Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Bangalore University, India, 2009
Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Nagarjuna University, India, 2008
Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Maharaja Sayajirao University, India, 2007
Doctor of Science, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India, 2007
Doctor of Philosophy (Holistic Medicine), Open International University for Complementary Medicine in Sri Lanka, 2006
Honorary Doctorate from Kuvempu University, India, 2004 - While several cities in the US and Canada have also honored him by declaring a day during his visits to the cities as ‘Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Day’, some countries have bestowed him the honor of ‘illustrious visitor’. Washington DC honored his visit to the city in 2007 by marking that week as ‘Human Values Week’. He has also been accorded honorary citizenship by some US and Canadian cities. In 2006, during his visit to Jaipur, India, Gurudev was handed the symbolic key to the city by the Mayor of Jaipur.
April 23, 2010, Milwaukee, USA
April 20, 2010, Denver, USA
October 29th, 2008, Irving, Texas, USA
July 4th- 6th, 2008, Edison, New Jersey, USA
July 29, 2007, Pomona, California, USA
March 28, 2007, Washington DC, USA
December 4, 2006, Regina, Canada
November 25, 2006, Windsor, Canada
November 21, 2006, Surrey, Canada
November 21, 2006, Richmond, Canada
September 13, 2006, Ottawa, Canada
September 10, 2006, Halifax, Canada
September 7, 2006, Edmonton, Canada
June 28, 2002, Chicago, Illinois, USA
May 9, 2002, Beverly Hills, California, USA
April 29, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
January 10, 2002, Austin, Texas, USA
August 26, 2000, Washington DC, USA
June 28, 2002, Chicago, Illinois, USA
May 8, 2002, Beverley Hills, California, USA
April, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
January 10, 2002, Austin, Texas, USA
August 26, 2000, Washington, USA
Human Values Week in Louisiana – February 23, 2007
Human Values Week in Baltimore – March 25-March 31, 2007
Human Values Week in Columbia – March, 2007
Art of Living Foundation day – in Syracuse – May 7, 2004 Prime Minister’s Award, Mongolia, 2006
The award was conferred by President of Mongolia Nambaryn Enkhbayar in Ulan Bator at a function held in the Presidential Palace on August 24, 2006. Receiving the award, Gurudev said, “It (the award) is an honour not to a person but to the ancient philosophy and spiritual tradition of India.”
Gurudev’s work in Mongolia is widely appreciated by people from all sections of society. In February 2006, Gurudev was conferred Mongolian Prime Minister’s Award during the Silver Jubilee celebration of the Art of Living held in Bangalore.Dara Shikoh National Award for Harmony, India, 2005
The Inter Faith Harmony Foundation of India, a group floated by Indian Muslims, honored Gurudev with the prestigious Dara Shikoh National Award for Harmony for 2005 in August that year. Prominent philosopher and statesman Dr. Karan Singh presented the award to Gurudev in a function held in New Delhi.
According to Khwaja Dr. Iftikar Ahmed, founding president of the foundation, the award was presented to Gurudev “for the remarkable work done by him in promoting peace, interfaith dialogue and conflict resolution”. Accepting the honour, Gurudev emphasised the need for awakening the fundamental unity of the human family.National Veterans Foundation Award, USA, 2007
Gurudev received the National Veterans Foundation Award in recognition of his outstanding service to returning veterans and their families. Floyd ‘Shad’ Meshad, president and founder of the National Veterans Foundation, presented the award during the Silver Jubilee celebrations of the Art of Living in Washington DC in March 2007. Gurudev was honoured for his programs for veterans and their families who suffer from a multitude of psychological and emotional problems. The Art of Living initiated a series of ‘The Project Welcome Home Troops’ programmes to help veterans and their families over the trauma of wars.
In his speech at the award ceremony, Meshad said, “The program that I recently completed along with key staff members of the National Veterans’ Foundation showed me the impact that the breathing techniques can have in healing traumatic emotional experiences. Anything we can do to bring our troops peace of mind and let them come back and reintegrate into society, is worth its weight in gold.”The Global Humanitarian Award, USA, 2005
Gurudev was presented ‘The Global Humanitarian Award’ by Governor of the State of Illinois Rob Blagojevich on May 14, 2005. The award was conferred on Gurudev for exemplifying the highest ideals of humanitarian service, for his steadfast devotion to inspiring healthy living and fostering universal harmony.The Sant Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize, India, 2007
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was conferred the prestigious Sant Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize 2006 in recognition of his contribution in spreading the culture of peace in the world. The award is instituted by World Peace Center (Alandi), India and Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune, India.