Be Genuine, And Life Will
Be More Beautiful

Tue, 03/19/2013

Split, Croatia

We exchange so many pleasantries with people saying, 'Hello', 'Hi', 'How are you', 'Welcome'; it is so superficial. It is not really coming from your heart. It is similar to the airhostess who greets you when you get off a plane, by saying, ‘Have a nice day’. She doesn’t really mean it.
So many times we say, 'Welcome', 'Goodbye', 'Have a good night', and all this, but it does not carry any feeling behind it. However, when the same words come to you from someone very close or very dear to you, it carries some vibrations, some feeling behind it. When your grandmother tells you, ‘Have a nice day’, it is not like the airhostess’ ‘Have a nice day’. It has some feelings, some vibrations, isn't it?

If we live our lives on the superficial level, life becomes so dry and uninteresting. However, when we connect with each other from our heart,  then there is some genuineness. And that genuineness makes life more beautiful and more authentic. Well, I understand you may not be able to do it all the time, but at least you must do it for some time in everyday life. When we look into this aspect that is so central to our human existence, there is a big change in ourselves, and our surroundings.

Everything happens because of vibrations. We are emitting vibrations all the time. If our vibrations are positive, then people around us are happy. If we are happy, then everything happens in accordance to our want. If our vibrations are negative, nobody wants to deal with us, and we are not happy with ourselves.
There is a way by which we can make our vibrations positive, and that is through breathing techniques, meditation, wisdom, and understanding of the layers of our existence, i.e., the body, breath, mind, intellect, etc. With a little bit of understanding and relaxing deep within ourselves, our negative vibrations turn around and become very positive.

When you are satisfied, when your heart is pure and clear, and you have no bad feelings for anybody, then you gain the power to heal and bless others. It is possible. Everyone can heal others, provided they can change their vibrations within themselves into totally positive energy.

When we find peace within ourselves, we radiate peace. What we think we know, is only a small portion of reality. There are so many secrets, there are so many levels of reality. If you take a little more time, we can go deep into knowledge. And when there is knowledge, nothing can take away your happiness.

Yesterday in Zagreb, I launched a program called ‘Volunteer for a Better Croatia’. There were about 2,500 people. I told every one of them to give one hour every day, or seven hours in a week to make the society a better place. Don't you think we should do the same here? These are a few areas in which all of us could make some contribution. 

First, we want a stress free and violence free society. We need to teach people how to be friendly, cooperative, and help them get rid of violent tendencies.

Second, we need to help people with different types of addictions. Regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation will help people come out of addictions.

Third, we need a society that is free from corruption. It is where the sense of belongingness ends that corruption begins.

In addition, we need to reach out to people who are in real need of help. So, if all of you can form teams of 20 to 30 people in different localities, and spend seven hours a week together, smiling and serving the society, then we can create waves of happiness.

One more thing, before you ask questions. Leave all your worries to me! I want you to worry about the country, about Croatia, about the world. All your individual, personal worries and concerns, you give them to me.

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