
Search results

  1. Disaster relief- Testimonial13

    "Tsunami- Village Leader:I have been the village counselor for past three years. I had been the village committee chairman for five years. Guruji came here and found us helpless. Construction started immediately. 94 houses were built in this village. ...
  2. School for Disaster Victims, Nagapattinam

    Background The Art of Living team put immediate relief measures in place after the tsunami in Nagapattinam, the team helped to re-build the communities by building homes, primary and secondary schools and an industrial centre. These long term measures hav ...
  3. Inhale Peace, Exhale Crime

    Along the activity-filled lanes of resettlement colonies in Delhi, the police reported a phenomenal decrease in the rates of crime and violence. Seelampur, Shadhara, Gokulpuri, Nand Nagri, Jafarabad, were once the hub of criminal activities including juve ...
  4. Creating the climate for environment sustainability

    As the lurking dangers of global climate change become alarming, the Art of Living has taken up several holistic and multi-pronged initiatives to ensure environment sustainability. The goal of these initiatives is to take actions to protect the environmen ...
  5. Prison Smart, the great growth in Argentina

    Since 2006 thousands of argentine prisoners took regular Art of Living courses including, advanced, meditation, Sri Sri Yoga  and pre TTC training.   Ismael Mastrini, a lawyer, closed his firm to dedicate his time fully to Prison Smart Programs in maximum ...

    AN ARGENTINA IDEA THAT EXPANDS TO THE WHOLE WORLD!   Yoga Rave is an experience unique in the world that keeps a completely diverse audience jumping for 4 hours. Both youngsters & adults have fun thanks to the music of So What Project!, yoga & med ...
  7. Guruji's knowledge in the largest book fair of Argentina

    Guruji's knowledge in the largest book fair of Argentina, one of the most important cultural and editorial events in Latinoamerica and the most popular in the Hispanic world. During three weeks visited it more than 1.000.000 visitors!!! ...
  8. Villa La Angostura

    Art of Living volunteers help to rebuilt and clean Villa La Angostura, the town burried in ashes Since the Puyehue vulcano, located in the Chilean slope of the Andes mountain range in southern tip of Latin America, erupted last year, destroying forests an ...
  9. Inter-faith Peace Camp with Jews and Muslims from Israel premiered at Art of Living’s Academy in the Black Forest in Germany

    Reception at the Josefshaus Oppenau Reception at the Josefshaus Oppenau An evening of cross-cultural encounters An evening of cross-cultural encounters Bad Antogast 20 Apr 2012 "Break your walls" Peace Camp at Art of Living’s European Center fos ...
  10. Sri Sri Yoga for the City of Johannesburg

    Art of Living and Sri Sri Yoga teachers had a wonderful opportunity to share their wisdom and skills with over 150 people in Soweto, as part of the City of Johannesburg's, Young Mothers ECD program (Early childhood Development). The City of Johannesb ...