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  1. Women Inmates

    Prison SMART Program If people get sick, we bring them to the hospital and give them the right medicines so that they get better. If people’s behavior is sick, we bring them to the prison, but we forget the medicines.”   – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The ...
  2. A future etched on the blackboard

    Text by M Rajaque Rahman; Photo by Namita Malik In a society where schools are benchmarked by the number of swimming pools and air-conditioned rooms they have, these schools may not even qualify as one. Put them in the context of the place they are locate ...
  3. 67 minutes of service

    On Mandela day, The Art of Living family in Africa and Singapore remembered Madiba’s contribution to humanity Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar often says only a lit candle can light others. The life and times of Nelson Mandela have served as an exemplary exam ...
  4. Shane Lentoor

    Shane Lentoor Shane's passion is to work with youth at risk, and he currently runs a programme in Polsmoor Prison for juveniles. He is a real pillar in his community, sharing his skills and knowledge with the youth around him. His facilitation skills ...
  5. Sayed

    I did not know about DKP (Divine Karnataka Project) nor about Guruji. One day I met a friend who told me about Guruji and suggested to go through a 21 day training called DKP. He said it is very beneficial. I said we are muslims, our people don’t go for t ...
  6. Gadat: The Difference A Leader Can Make

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  7. Antidote to the virus of terror

    by Mamta Kailkhura The resilience of India is on test yet again even as her people reel in another phase of fear, sorrow and anger following the latest serial blasts in Mumbai on July 13, 2011. India, from government to the man on the street, reacted to t ...
  8. Kathewadi: They Painted the town Pink

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  9. Women Unlimited Macedonia launched

    Women Unlimited Macedonia launched with support from The Art of Living Macedonia. A new network for women to discuss serious issues and create an atmosphere of support received help from The Art of Living Macedonia. Women Unlimited Macedonia was launched ...
  10. Farouk Davids: Working with Youth at Risk

    Farouk is a pillar of guidance in his community of Mitchellsplain. He works for the City of Cape Town on many projects, concerning youth at risk. Well aware of the challenges surrounding poverty, gangsterism and drugs, in his community, he works together ...