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  1. I always start anything with full energy and enthusiasm. But over a period of time I lose the charm for doing that work and at last end up with no result.

    This is a very common problem. Nobody can have the same charm for the same work all their life unless they are enlightened. If you are enlightened, you can give the same intro talk a million times and still be so enthusiastic because you don’t live in ...
  2. Gurudev, Shabari never did yagyas or read Vedas, then how could she meet the Lord?

    Love and devotion. She had one-pointed devotion for the Lord. A feeling of belongingness, intimacy and love with the Lord; all of this! That is why in India there are so many of these stories. There is not just one path but there are many ways and man ...
  3. Gurudev, my mind is flooded with thoughts when I am silent. My mind is not at peace. One after another the thoughts keep flowing. Does it happen often when we keep silent or should it not happen? Please guide me!

    Let the thoughts come. What has been there inside for a long time is just coming out, so let it come. Let the mind go where it wants to go. Tell it to go, run around the world if it wants to. It may go in the past, in the future, or do anything. ...
  4. Gurudev, how to deal with stubborn people, especially a stubborn wife?

    Once you know she is stubborn then your problem is solved. Whatever you want you say just the opposite of it, finished! You know the trick now. If she is unpredictable, then it is difficult. If she is predictable and you know that she is alw ...
  5. Gurudev, as far as married women are concerned, how should we strike a balance between our parents and our husbands? Please guide.

    First of all don’t think they are in conflict. Even if it appears to be, don’t accept that there is a conflict. When you think there is a conflict that is when you struggle. If there appears to be a conflict then with skill bring them together. S ...
  6. Gurudev, if the ultimate aim of Seva, Sadhna and Satsang is to be in the present moment, then why sometimes we have to suffer in the present and remind ourselves that this suffering is making us stronger? What are we getting prepared for?

    Pain and pleasure exists on the planet. The first experience of your coming into the world was painful. You were happily floating in your mother’s womb and suddenly all the liquid was gone and you had to pass through a narrow passage. It was difficult ...
  7. Gurudev, in the earlier days it was a big thing to initiate someone into Gayatri Mantra. Today, you’ll find it playing everywhere.

    When you take the mantra in a ceremony as an initiation, like you take Sahaj mantra then you keep it a secret. ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ when it is sung in the satsang like music then it has different value. But when it is initiated as a mantra for you which ...
  8. Gurudev, what is Karma? How can we attain salvation from our previous karmas?

    You attain salvation from knowledge and not from Karma. Karma has its own laws and it goes on. Do good deeds. ...