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Secrets to Happy Family and Relationships
Don’t just wait for festivals, celebrate every moment with your family You can only share what you have. If you want your family to be happy and harmonious, you need to be happy and at peace first. Learn the secret to be THAT source of happiness through ... -
Udruga Umijeće Življenja Hrvatska
Umijeće Življenja – Hrvatska Udruga Umijeće življenja je neprofitna, humanitarna, ne-vladina organizacija koja se bavi programima i edukacijom u svrhu promicanja i njegovanja ljudskih vrijednosti, poboljšanja kvalitete života, podizanje ekološke svijesti ... -
Tečaj Umijeća življenja- Prvi dio
Stupanj koji pokazuje koliko stres utiče na naš život je općenito podcjenjen, obično se um lijepi za ljutnju, krivicu ili žaljenje oko prošlosti, ili je um orjentisan na anksioznost i brigu o budućnosti. Ove oscilacije uma između prošlosti i budućnosti uz ... -
Šta je Swadharma?
Bangalore, India Pitanje : Gurudev šta je Swadharma, i kako da znam šta je moja Swadharma? Gurudev: Swadharma je takva akcija koja je u skladu sa tvojom prirodom. To znači ponašati se u skladu sa svojim talentima i vještinama, u skladu sa tvojom prirodom ( ... -
Key Addresses
Spreading the message of love, compassion and non-violence, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tirelessly advocates harmonious co-existence among people. His universal and simple message is that love and wisdom can prevail over hatred and distress. Through his ... -
Contact Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The offices of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are located in the Art of Living headquarters, India and Washington DC. International Headquarters, Bangalore, India India Washington, D.C., USA Contact Person: Girin Govind Contact Person: Ajay Tejasvi Phon ... -
Vision: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's vision of a violence-free, stress-free society has expressed itself in numerous service initiatives that inspired volunteers worldwide to carry these forward with his guidance. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of T ... -
Wisdom Videos
Below is a playlist of wisdom videos talks of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. To watch the playlist videos, you need to click on the playlist icon in the youtube player. Wisdom Talks Talks on Yoga & Meditation Recorded Webcasts--> ... -
"The past years have been very challenging in the world scenario. We have seen a number of agitations flaring up almost everywhere. It is easy to create an agitation in today’s society. The frustration & stress levels are high. Any just cause can ... -
Environmental Care
The Art of Living Foundation, with its roots in spirituality, has nurtured a deep respect for our planet in thousands of people around the world. The earth may be made up of rocks, sand and water, but spirituality can help us to perceive our planet as a l ...