“Menja život”
“May be the fastest-growing spiritual practice on the planet”
“Like Fresh Air to
Millions”“Show promise in providing relief for depression”
O Happiness programu

Budi najbolji Ti
Praktične alatke za
bolji život
Nauči mešavinu joge, disanja i meditacije koji podižu kvalitet tvog života - ne samo u smislu novca i zdravlja, već i u smislu zadovoljstva, povezanosti i dobrote.

Jedan vikend — mogućnosti za ceo život
Nauči vežbe
za ceo život
To je samo jedan vikend, ali mogućnosti su neograničene. Možeš da naučiš kućne vežbe za ceo život - praktične alatke za oslobađanje od stresa i suočavanje sa najtežim situacijama u miru.

Poveži se iz srca
dublje veze
Ovaj program je namenjen povezivanju u akciji - harmonizuj svoje telo, dah i um, i poveži se sa sobom i drugima na dubljem nivou.
Sadržaj radionice
Art of Living Happiness program traja po nekoliko sati dnevno, u toku tri uzastopna dana.

Doživotni pristup nedeljnim grupnim vežbanjima
i globalnoj duhovnoj zajednici
Poveži se sa zajednicom zdravih, pozitivnih ljudi koji će te podržati da živiš najbolje od svog života i da osvežiš znanja i tehnike sa programa.

Read Our Reviews

Swati C.
San Jose, CA

I feel it was one of the best decision I made in my life to go for the happiness program. I meditate regularly but doing Sudarshan Kriya further helps to go in to the deep relaxing stage.

Broody H.
San Jose, CA

The most game-changing thing I have done in my life. I feel like a new person. I'm calmer, more centered and more present in all situations.

Rahul G.
North San Jose, San Jose, CA

I never felt so relaxed in ages.

Kimberly F.
Manhattan, NY

The best money I ever spent

Vineet A.
Jersey City, NJ

A great place to find some much-needed solace and peace in our fast moving lives. The instructors are very caring and they take personal interest in each person. Highly recommended.

S K.
Los Angeles, CA

Greater clarity and focus, practical pointers and the ability to "re-charge on the spot" are just some of the very few lifelong lessons that I took away from it.

mr k k.
Round Rock, TX

The course changed the way I look at life!

Ala S.
Los Angeles, CA

Learning the breathing techniques, the knowledge, meeting loving, smiling people... I cannot even imagine my life without these! Eternally thankful!
From reducing stress to getting better rest, these techniques have a demonstrated measurable impact on quality of life.
Over 60 independent studies conducted on four continents and published in peer review journals, have demonstrated a comprehensive range of benefits from practicing Sudarshan Kriya™ and related breathing exercises taught on the Art of Living Happiness Program.
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