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Love In The Life Of A Criminal
Unfathomable are the ways of Love! With love comes compassion, belongingness. Love has no border, it sees no color, it doesn’t differentiate, it embraces all. Even the toughest of criminals, when shown compassion, bow down with folded hands and surrender ... -
Prison Smart, the Great Growth in Argentina
Breathing For Freedom Since 2006 thousands of Argentine prisoners have completed regular Art of Living courses including, Advanced Meditation Courses (Part 2), Sri Sri Yoga and pre-Teachers Training Course. Ismael Mastrini, a lawyer, closed his firm to d ... -
Smiling Uniforms
It is rare to see a smiling, calm and an energetic policeman (women included) on the streets of India. But, for the citizens of the far northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, this won’t be a rare scenario. Being a policeman, is not an easy job. There a ... -
Prison SMART in Tihar Jail
Tihar Jail The Prison SMART program was introduced in Tihar Jail in 1999. More than 120,000 inmates from prisons in India have undergone the Prison SMART program with spectacular results. In Tihar Jail (Asia's largest prison) alone, around 48,000 c ... -
The Real Shawshank Redemption
By Tomislav Huha Tomislav Huha, a volunteer with The Art of Living, shares his experience of assisting a Prison Smart program in Croatia: A few months ago I started assisting the Prison Smart program. We have had four courses this year so far (there might ... -
The gift of a yoga mat
At the outset of a prisoner rehabilitation course in Peru’s Piedras Gordas Prison, the prisoners were given a gift: a yoga mat. The mat could have been passed off as something to make the course more comfortable and obviously would be returned after the c ... -
Women Inmates
Prison SMART Program If people get sick, we bring them to the hospital and give them the right medicines so that they get better. If people’s behavior is sick, we bring them to the prison, but we forget the medicines.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The ... -
Advanced Course for Prisoners in Argentina
Maximum security takes on new meaning as prisons go from violence to peace in Argentina “I am learning to be a better person. I welcome the change in me and I will not ever return to a place like this. I now see things differently, which is on track,” sha ... -
Wedding bells in a Belgian prison
After a life-altering Prison Program, trials, tribulations and bombardment of affection, Marco gets married Love stories are always heart-warming to hear. Especially, when love comes your way when you least expect it and yet need it the most. Marco's ... -
Prisoner rehabilitation in Taiwan
Since 2004, The Art of Living’s Prison Smart Program has found its roots in five correctional facilities of Taiwan as a way of rehabilitating the inmates. The Tucheng Detention Center offers a five-day course each month with an average of 60 participants ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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