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Running After A Thing Called the Mind: A Meditator’s Guide
Everthing’s perfect. The room is quiet, devices are on silent mood and you’re easing into the lotus posture, ready to get into the world of meditation. A dim memory of a bill payment looms up, out of nowhere. Was it due today? No wait, it’s not until four ... -
I Meditate Africa: An Antidote to Terrorism
“Violence ends where love begins”. – Gurudev And it is well known that meditation brings more love in people’s lives. While counter terrorism operations and other security enforcement measures will continue at one level, the benefits of meditation should ... -
5 Ways to Make Meditation More Fun
Yes, we’ve heard a lot about meditation. And yes, its an important practice in our daily lives. I know, I know - it must be done daily to experience the benefits more. Yet, sitting everyday for twenty minutes with eyes shut is a little tough and as I’d li ... -
The 1-2-3 Of Meditation
Have you noticed yourself when you’re ‘pinging’ your friend on the phone? Your fingers just fly off the keypad and before you know it, you’ve written your thoughts real-time. Texting someone on your smartphone is almost like a reflex action. 1,2,3 and you ... -
All You Need to Know About Meditation When You Tried Everything
You chance upon this poster in the mall during the weekend. Or maybe your manager recommends you for a program, or a friend enrolls you on this course. Your partner practicing this regularly stokes your interest for it. Whatever the exact cause, your vari ... -
Your Dad Will Thank You for This Father’s Day Gift
Have you been running pillar to post, unable to zero down on the one gift that is truly unique, something that Dad hasn’t had before yet worth every dime you pay for it? Well, then I won’t say your search stops here. In fact, your search has just begun fo ... -
Four Obstacles To Meditation
There are four obstacles to meditation. This is in relation to the obstacles once we sit for meditation rather than the obstacles in sitting to meditate. 1. Iccha or Desire This means desire. It refers to the desire to do something and includes planning a ... -
Give Up In Your Meditation, Not On Your Meditation!
"When I first started meditating, thirty-seven odd years ago, my mind was a mess. Many of my meditations were unrelenting "thinkitations". I probably would have stopped meditating if I hadn't liked my teacher a lot and if he wasn' ... -
Thinkitation & Meditation
A good friend, Kate, mentioned to me when I was down at the Gold Coast at the start of the New Year that sometimes she has "thinkitations" instead of meditations and, being a seasoned meditator, is fine with that. If all your meditations are thi ... -
8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation
Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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