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Secrets of Being a Good Manager
The definition of an ideal manager may differ for different people. A manager may be someone who is like a tree – with his skills,like branches,spreading out to his people; and his values and ethics,like roots, deeply embedded in the soils of his heart. C ... -
How Meditation Can Boost Sports Performance
Every athlete would agree that energy is a key ingredient to success in sport. Food, restful sleep, breath and meditation are the four sources of energy. The amount of energy gained from meditation is greater than that from sleep with 20 minutes of medita ... -
Grooming The Student-Teacher Relationship
The relationship between a teacher and a student is very delicate, sweet, and special. It is like someone helping a bud blossom into a flower. In this process, one needs to be careful and allow the bud to blossom at its own pace. The teacher like a garden ... -
Keeping The Bar High- Sports and Meditation
Often, very well-played classical sports performances inspire us greatly. They plant dreams that one day we could be the one on that field, inspiring the audience with breathtaking moves. But, is “how” always a question you keep asking yourself? Obviously ... -
An 80-Year-Old’s Letter to a Doctor
My Dear Dr. René, I think I have been visiting you now for more number of years than I can remember. My age is to be blamed for my poor memory. At 80, I can hardly remember much. Yet, what I can never forget is your pleasing smile each time you saw me ent ... -
Just do it with Meditation
A content writer by profession, my productivity was defined as the number of stories I wrote in a week and the quality of those write-ups. I felt I was doing a decent job, meeting my target of three stories a week. Amidst my ‘content’ routine, I found mys ... -
8 Success Meditation Mantras for Women Entrepreneurs
If you are a woman entrepreneur looking for more success and better results, here's a secret tool that will help you get there. Meditation- one of the key management skills today. Here are a few quick mantras to help you. Women today are independent, ... -
Become the Writer You Aspire to Be
You stare at the blank paper. Either nothing comes to the mind or there’s a traffic jam of thoughts and you just don’t know how to begin! Or sometimes you know what to write but the right words may not pop into the mind. Well, you’re not alone, even the b ... -
Mind behind Cricket: Take your Game to the Next Level
Cricket is more than just the bat and field. There is a strong spirit that says, ‘WE WILL WIN THE TROPHY AT THE END OF IT.’ There is a burning desire to make a strong ‘comeback’ in future matches. It is a game that requires constant awareness, focus, skil ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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