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Disaster reliefmy story_19
Art of Living Foundation Trauma Relief Sichuan Mission No matter how much you have seen and heard, nothing... nothing, can possibly prepare you for the tragedy that hit the Shifang Middle-School. 150 pupils and teachers perished under the debris and rubbl ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_20
They [IAHV-Art of Living} actually have been working with us especially focusing on trauma care. They have full time presence in the area. What I am happy about them is that right through, their volunteers have been working with us in a selfless manner tr ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_17
When people especially care-givers-such as parents, rescue and relief volunteers-are in trauma, how can they adequately attend to others in need?... the most disturbing consequence is that children suffer the greatest in the end... ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_18
When children have cried all they can and are unable to express themselves further, where else can they turn to for emotional support and affection? ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_16
She recalls this, and simply smiles planting a big kiss on her teacher and on the photograph of Guruji. ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_13
Taiyal has trained in jute bag tailoring under the regular workshop conducted by the IAHV-Art of Living Vocational Training center for Women ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_14
Priyadarshini, is one of the children who attended the IAHV-Art of Living Child Care Centre in Nambiar Nagar village. She lost her younger sister in Tsunami. The memory of the incident still terrifies this sensitive and impressionable young child. ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_12
All the fears, confusions and horrific thoughts subsided and she began to feel free. Today in fond memory of her teacher Rukmini, Taiyal is able to retell her story with a smile ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_9
In fact, after the Sudarshan Kriya, I felt so free from fear and skepticism that I felt unafraid even of the threat of another Tsunami, confident that I would not only survive but handle whatever situation comes in life. ... -
Disaster reliefmy story_10
For Taiyal the terror and revolution she felt as she saw mangled corpses of small children floating in the wreckage left a deep gorge of traumatic fear in her that eventually led to insomnia, mental confusion and doubts. ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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