Watch your children blossom 

ART Excel helps children meet life’s challenges with a positive outlook.

ART Excel enables children to manage their emotions through breathwork, yoga, meditation, and interactive games.

The course helps children better engage in their creative pursuits and improves their performance in school, sports, and interpersonal relationships.

The techniques they learn in the program help them grow as individuals and harness their potential to achieve their dreams.


Outline icon of three smiling faces, symbolizing community or shared happiness

Art Excel helps children develop leadership abilities and grow into balanced and progressive individuals.

Two children playing by the seaside, splashing in gentle waves, showcasing ART Excel life skills.
Outline icon of three smiling faces, symbolizing community or shared happiness

Art Excel helps children develop leadership abilities and grow into balanced and progressive individuals.

Why ART Excel?

Course Content

A Holistic Syllabus for a Balanced Life 

ART Excel is an engaging course that helps your children build stronger relationships with family and friends, excel in academics, become more creative and prepare for future challenges.        

The course takes a holistic approach and covers:        

Social Well-being: ART Excel uses interactive games and discussions to help your children learn about human values, like compassion and kindness. The course helps bolster their confidence in themselves and those around them.

Emotional Well-being: Group discussions and demonstrations at ART Excel enable children to increase their emotional awareness. Such activities help children feel more equipped to handle their emotions when they are upset and withstand peer pressure. 

Physical Well-being: Yoga, breathwork, and other exercises at ART Excel help children feel strong and centred in their body.

Mental Well-being: ART Excel allows children to learn practical wisdom to manage their thoughts and emotions. The course improves their concentration and focus while helping them handle stressful situations. 

We are backed by over 100 scientific studies and covered in top media publications

Background image with a semi transparent swan on the left

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all the techniques taught during the course suitable for children?

ART Excel is based on ancient yogic techniques and exercises developed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The program has been designed by expert instructors with several years of practice. It has been created to be easy for children to understand and implement, with their safety and well-being as the topmost priority. So yes, your children will be able to easily practice the techniques taught during ART Excel. 

What are the requirements to enroll?

There are no prerequisites. Children between 8 to 12 years of age are welcome and can benefit from everything ART Excel has to offer!

My child is an introvert and might not participate in the activities of this program. Will it benefit him/her?

Yes, absolutely! ART Excel is a program designed to help shy children overcome their inhibitions and speak up. Over time your child will feel confident, participate, and make friends too!

How long does the daily practice take?

ART Excel also provides children with an at-home toolkit. The daily practice takes 15-20 minutes.

Is there any follow-up class that my child can attend once this course is over?

Yes, we hold follow-up sessions to help encourage children to continue their practice and stay involved.


Happy mother and child sitting together, symbolizing connection in Know Your Child workshop

Know Your Child

Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children

The interactive workshop helps parents navigate the complex journey of raising children in today's fast-paced world. KYC bridges the communication gap between parents and children, fostering stronger family bonds. 

KYC uniquely combines ancient wisdom with modern parenting techniques. The program offers practical tools to better understand your child's emotions, and needs. Through interactive sessions and guided exercises, parents learn to create a nurturing environment that supports their child's holistic development.

Why Know Your Child

Communicate better: Learn effective ways to listen and respond to your child’s needs

Build confidence: Help your child develop a positive outlook and self-belief

Manage stress: Discover techniques to manage challenging situations with patience

44 years

of service

180 countries

in over 10,000 cities




people reached


Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev is a spiritual leader and ambassador of peace on a mission to create a society free of stress and violence. He is globally regarded for his contributions to human happiness and world peace.     

He intuited the Sudarshan Kriya™, a breathing technique practiced by millions of people around the world. Its effects on sleep, immunity and overall well-being have been lauded by scientists and proven by empirical research around the world. 

Humanitarian Leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Help your children harness their innate potential and creativity