‘For harmonious sustainable growth of a society, all different sections of society will have to work in rhythm, in harmony’

Fri, 11/20/2009 Turkey

(H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s addressed an august gathering on November 18, 2009 on the occasion of the Minister-President of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, (Germany) Mr. Gunther H Oettinger visiting the Art of Living International Center, Bangalore. He was accompanied by a government delegation comprising the Ministers of the State for Finance, Economics and other parliament members. The Honorable Minister for Large and Medium Industries, Karnataka, Mr. Murugesh Rudrappa Nirani and President of the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Mr. Crasta were also present.)

Welcome to you all. It is wonderful to have you all from Germany - from the German home to the Indian home. You have a home here. You are most welcome to this country. Feel at home.

Our ancient philosophy in this country has been that of a one world family. We are part of one family, one big family where human values have to reign the most. Human Values are needed in business, in politics, in social life. In any field that you take, if there are human values, if there is a uniting force, if there is harmony, only then can society survive. It took 10 years for communism to crumble. It took less than 10 months for capitalism to crumble down. No “ism” will sustain if humanism is lacking. Greed of a few people caused the financial disaster that the world is facing today.

It was an old paradigm that we were working in different compartments. The social sector was separate, politics was separate, business was separate, religious and spiritual sectors were separate. For harmonious sustainable growth of a society, all different sections of society will have to work in rhythm, in harmony, in cooperation. The ethical and moral values are the backbone of business. And business is the way to sustain the planet, free it from poverty and build confidence in society. I’m happy that the Indian and German business delegations are here. I would like you to talk and develop this ancient tradition we have been having between Germany, Europe and India.

We all are part of one family. A disease-free body, a violence- free society and a happy mind is a birth right of every individual, every human being and every society. Let us all work together to achieve a happy society. Thank you very much.


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