World Culture Festival - Celebrating Life

28th November 2006 - Mohiniyattam (Cochin, Kerala, India)

12th January, 2010 - Antarnaad (Pune, Maharashtra, India)

2nd November 2010 - Annam Brahma (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)

12th February, 2011 - Naatya Vismayam (Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India)

21st November 2008 - Brahm Naad (Noida, Delhi, India)

20th February, 2011 - Laya Tarang (Nagpur, Maharashtra, India)

11 November 2010 - Mehran De Rang (Ludhiana, Punjab, India)
Празнуване на културите
Всички ние сме част от един и същи свят, макар да изразяваме себе си по различен начин - чрез дрехи, храна, музика, танци, фестивали. Чрез култура. Културата ни обединява и показва нашето разнообразие. Радостта, която културата ни носи, отеква по целия свят. Когато празнуваме културата, празнуваме нашите отношения и се радваме на различните начини на изразяване на споделеността. Изграждайки мостове между хората и нациите, е култура, която запазва нашите корени и заздравява нашите връзки.
През изминалото десетилетие, "Изкуството да живееш" изигра важна роля в даването на платформа на хората да покажат своята култура. От организирането на най-големият ансамбъл на гайдари до провеждането на най-голямото вегетарианско изложение в света. Броят на хората, които участваха и подкрепиха тези събития само се е увеличил през последните години. Някои от тези празненства са отбелязани от рекордите на Гинес като забележителни подвизи.
Някои от нашите рекорди на Гинес
9 януари - Horns: The largest horn ensemble consisted of 444 musicians and was achieved by the Art of Living (India) in Kollam, Kerala. The 444 musicians all played the C-shaped long Indian horn called the Kombu or Sringa. The performance lasted for 25 minutes.
13 ноември - Diwali Candles: The most candles lit simultaneously at a single venue is 12,135 and was achieved on Diwali by the Art of Living (India) in Ahmedabad, India.
16th May – Bagpipes: The largest bagpipe ensemble was achieved by 333 participants at an event organized by the Art of Living at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria.
17th January - Taal Ninaad: The largest hand drum ensemble consisted of 1,230 people playing tabla drums and was achieved by the Art of Living (India) at Humbarwadi Estate, Solapur, India.
21 февруари - Abhanga Naad: The largest dhol drum ensemble was achieved by 1,356 participants in an event organized by Art of Living at Shivaji University Ground, Kolhapur, India. (Duration: approx 23 minutes)
12th February - Naatya Vismayam: The largest Kathakali dance was achieved by 150 participants at an event organized by the Art of Living at Putharikkandam Grounds in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. (Duration: 2 performances of approx 20 minutes each)
30th January - Naada Vaibhavam: The largest choir consisted of 121,440 people and was organized by The Art of Living (India) in Perungalathur, Chennai, India.
11 ноември - Mehran De Rang: The largest bhangra dance included 2,100 participants and was achieved by The Art of Living at the Punjab Agricultural University Campus, Ludhiana, India. (Duration: approx 15 minutes)
2nd November - Annam Brahma: The largest vegetarian buffet consisted of 5,612 different dishes in an event organized by the Art of Living at Sri Sri Dham, Ahmedabad, India.
12th January - Antarnaad: The record for the largest simultaneous sing-along was organized by the Art of Living and involved 1,04,637 participants singing 'Vande Mataram' at Antarnaad in Pune, India. (Duration: over 5 minutes)
21 ноември - Brahm Naad: The largest sitar ensemble consisted of 1,094 participants at an event organized by the Art of Living in Noida, Delhi, India. (Duration: 3 symphonies of approx 7 minutes each)
28 ноември - Mohiniyattam: The most people performing a Mohiniyattam dance was 1,200 as part of the Silver Jubilee celebration of the Art of Living at the Jawaharlal Nehru International Stadium in Cochin, Kerala, India. (Duration: approx 12 minutes)
Operating in 155 countries, The Art of Living is a non-profit, educational, and humanitarian organization founded in 1981 by the world-renowned philanthropist and spiritual leader, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
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