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Go Green! Spare Yourself! Spare the Fauna!
Why Should I Become a Vegetarian? Welcome to the Vegetarian World! Vegans are frequently misunderstood as unconventional eaters with an unnatural passion for Earth’s natural resources and are ethically opposed to eating them. While many vegans do feel pas ... -
5 Common Mistakes Yoga Beginners Make
There is no doubt that practicing yoga is a great idea—not only for your physical body but also for your mental health and overall vitality. However, as beginners to this ancient yet currently trendy practice, one tends to make some major mistakes. The ke ... -
Life is Light
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 86 Contd. from knowledge sheet 85 “Tataha ksheyate prakashavaranam’’ (II Sutra 52) tataha = then; ksheyate = broken; prakasha = light; avaransam = curtain. “Then the curtain surrounding the light is broken.” Bre ... -
Don't Shy Away From Criticism
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 84 Contd. from knowledge sheet 83 “Tato dwandanabhighataha’’ (II Sūtra 48) tato = then; dwandwa = duality; anabhighataha = rooted out. “Then, all the duality in you is rooted out.” It hits the duality in you, all ... -
Discover how to feel energetic every day with yoga
There are many quick ways to boost our energy levels when we are down. Did you know that when you are low on energy, you have more negative thoughts? And too many thoughts drain your energy and tire you mentally. Here are six easy and simple tips to help ... -
Effortlessness is the Key
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 83 Contd. from knowledge sheet 82 Asanas are not just aerobics, not just gymnastics because asanas have to be coordinated with the breath and with awareness. If you are lifting your arms up, you are fully aware that ... -
A Yogi is a like a Baby
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 82 Contd. from knowledge sheet 81 The different positions of your eyes indicate the state of your mind. Different body postures also indicate what you are feeling. This is called body language. It shows what you are ... -
Truth is what we are!
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 69 Contd. from knowledge sheet 68 To be with what is, to be truthful in one's life, to one's heart, one's presence, one's mind, this is following satya. Not the words. Our intention, is it truthful? ... -
The truth about lies!
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 68 Contd. from knowledge sheet 67 There is a story about the emperor of Delhi. India was a collection of many small states. So he was an emperor. The emperor of Delhi had a minister called Birbal. He was a clown too. T ... -
Getting established in truth and non-violence is yoga
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 67 Contd. from knowledge sheet 66 “ Ahimsa pratishtayam tat sannidhau vairatyagaha ’’ (II Sutra 35) Ahimsa = non-violence; Pratishtayam = established in; Tat = his; Aannidhau = presence; Vairatyagaha = violence will be ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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