
Resultados da pesquisa

  1. Educate and ignore people who do sinful acts

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 31 Contd. from knowledge sheet 30 Ignore people who do sinful acts- ‘upeksha’. If somebody says some untruth, just brush it off. It is not worth thinking about them. We do the reverse, we do not think about people wh ...
  2. One-pointed Mind is Joy

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 27 Contd. from knowledge sheet 26 Now, how to get rid of these obstacles?  "Tatpratishedharthamekatattvabhyasaha'' tat = their; pratisheda = prevention; artham = for; eka = one; tattva = principle; abh ...
  3. Are You Really Happy? Or is it All an Illusion?

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 3 In the earlier posts, we told you the story of how Patanjali came to be. We now begin the series on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Atha yoganushasanam Now I will enunciate the discipline of Yoga.- Patanjali Yoga Sut ...
  4. Feel happy, become one with people doing a good job

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 30 Contd. from knowledge sheet 29 People who are doing a good job or meritorious job, those who have a lot of merits, who are blessed, feel happy with them. Become one with them. Feel that you are doing the job with ...
  5. If you have whatever you wanted, then are you happy?

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 10 Contd. from knowledge sheet 9 Vitrushnasya vashikara sanjna vairagyam The mind that gallops is an obstruction. An expectation in meditation is an obstruction. You have heard somebody's experience that light a ...
  6. Four Types of People

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 28 Contd. from knowledge sheet 27 "Maitrikaruna muditopekshanam sukhadukhapunyapunyavishayanam bhavanataschitta prasadanam'' maitri = friendliness; karuna  = compassion; mudita = happiness; upeksha = i ...
  7. Art of Yoga: Slow and Steady Yoga Postures Win the Race

    A few tips by senior Sri Sri Yoga teachers on learning the ‘art’ of yoga asanas or postures. Remember the first time you started practicing your favorite hobby – photography, music, dance, anything. At first, there was a struggle, an effort to get things ...
  8. Hurdles on the Path of Yoga

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 24 Contd. from knowledge sheet 23 What are the obstacles on the path to discovery? They add up to nine. "Vyadhistyanasamshaya pramadalasyavirati bhrantidarshanalabdha bhoomikatvanavasthitatvani chittavikshepaste ...
  9. Live in the Moment

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 13 Contd. from knowledge sheet 12 Dispassion does not take joy away from you. Dispassion gives you joy that nothing else can give you. There is a verse in Shankaracharya’s composition Bhaja Govindam: Kasya sukham na ...
  10. The Enlightened One

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 11 Contd. from knowledge sheet 10 Often people who have dispassion keep blaming the world. They are afraid of the objects of senses and keep running away from them. They think it is a big temptation. How can somethin ...