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  1. Dear Guruji, recently scientists have said that they can create life in a laboratory by manipulating and intervening the genes. Isn’t this contradictory to spirituality and religion, with man creating life and giving consciousness to innate objects?

    Not at all. You have heard this saying – ‘God made man in his own image’. Right? So, whatever God can do, man can do too. God made man, created him as his own image. It is written in the Bible. Right? There is a story about it in Mahabharata epic also, wri ...
  2. Dear Guruji, I heard and understood the truth, but it is not my experience, please help me realize the truth. Yours truly.

    Good! Good to be in space of, “I don’t know”, then you have a chance of knowing. If you think, you know then you are stuck with the concept. In the Upanishad, it is beautifully said, “one who says, ‘I don’t know’, he knows, and the one who says he knows, d ...
  3. Dear Guruji, I have never been a spiritual or a true religious person. How can I learn to let go and believe?

    You don’t have to label yourself- I am spiritual, religious person etc. No need for it. Just be natural, beautiful, good human being. That’s it! If someone is not a beautiful human being and says, ‘I am a spiritual person or a religious person’, what i ...
  4. What do you say about doubts? Should we have no doubts?

    No, I never said you shouldn’t have doubts, you should have doubts, have as many doubts as you can, for truth can never be concealed by doubts . Yes, doubt can’t defeat the truth, so you doubt as much as you want, but finish it quickly other ...
  5. I made a promise to someone but now I know that it was not right. How do I get out of my promise?

    If the promise you made gives peace to someone then you must fulfill it. If it causes pain both, to you and the other person then just move on. A promise made in ignorance has no importance. ...
  6. How to attain the power of vision that Sanjay had in The Mahabharata?

    By being centered. When you experience the depth of meditation then naturally you get knowledge. There is no effort involved; no rotting of scriptures is required. ...
  7. Guruji you arrive and the entire atmosphere changes. What can we do to achieve the same?

    It is your responsibility to transform the atmosphere wherever you go. You can do it too. By doing meditation and practices, our body produces such vibrations that everybody around us gets the benefit, not just us alone. ...
  8. What is samadhi?

    When the mind is at ease and centered, that is a glimpse into samadhi. The experience you have when you lie down after the Sudarshan Kriya. When you feel – I don't know where I am but that I am. ...
  9. What is the secret behind the notion of ‘Judgment Day’ in Christianity?

    Christianity says a judgment day will come. At that time all those below the earth, the dead bodies will rise and be asked about their right and wrong deeds. According to which they will be sent to either heaven or hell. The understanding changed from the ...