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Gurudev, everything seems so simple and so easy when I'm here but once I'm out of here, that’s when all the challenges start.
That's why it is necessary to be in the Guru's cocoon till you are able to fly as a butterfly. Knowledge is easier here. A worm's intention is to become a butterfly, but it does the opposite, it gets into a cocoon where it cannot even move out. Either y ... -
Gurudev, how to deal with growing up and becoming an adult?
Know that it is a tough time, and it will pass. Many concepts will come; every day you will find different concepts crumbling down. When these concepts keep crumbling down, you often experience vacuums. It is the vacuums that create restlessness and con ... -
Gurudev, what is the parameter to call myself a good human being? Please guide me.
An eye that can see beyond the obvious, ears that can give a patient hearing, an intellect that is free from prejudice, an intention to help those in need, and a heart that is strong and soft. It is easy to find people who are very emotional, an ... -
Lord Rama got ‘one-on-one guidance’ from Sage Vashishtha. Can you also guide me ‘one-on-one’?
What do you think I am doing? Forget about all the others around you, I am just talking to you only. Even when there are millions, I only talk one-on-one! ... -
Gurudev, the Gita says, "Wise is the one who doesn’t start anything". Could you speak about what Krishna means by this and the context of this statement?
Krishna also says, "In the world, you cannot be without doing anything". Not even for a few minutes someone can be without any activity. At the same time he says that also. So you cannot just take one thing out of context and try to understand ... -
Dear Gurudev, I am attending The Art of Silence course the 14th time and I still have not felt ecstatic. Am I closed? I do my Sadhana daily.
You don’t feel any sensation? Have you done Shakti Kriya? Sometimes we use our senses too much and deprive our body of the rest it needs. All this affects us. When you do the course, don’t look for anything, just relax. As long as ... -
Dear Gurudev, I put the alarm at 4 a.m. in the morning and after hearing the alarm, I switch it off and go to sleep again. This attitude of mine does not allow me to be systematic. How important is it on the spiritual path to get up early in the morning?
Have good sleep, and whenever you wake up, that time you sit and meditate. But for people undergoing the Teachers Training Program here, it is a different story! At least during the teachers training, these 15 days you have to do your Padmasadhana ... -
When we fail, who is the doer? When I’m successful, I say it’s God’s grace or that Gurudev did it but when I fail, then God does not seem to be around me to take the responsibility!
Look back and reflect on the many times you have failed. Don't you now feel that those failures were good for you. How many of you feel this way? (Many in the audience raise their hands)When you look back at your failures, you will see ... -
How can true divine guidance be recognized from false guidance (of self proclaimed gurus and coaches)? Isn’t the Self your true guide?
If your intention is to find the truth, you will find it. But if your intention is to get something quickly, then you can get trapped. Whenever such scandals come out, I only say one thing, "If you put water in a pot which is not baked, neither the ... -
Gurudev, what is the right basis or yardstick to decide for who can be a Guru to us? How can we maintain the honour and dignity of this relationship?
This depends on that deep feeling of love and belongingness from within. You cannot ‘make’ or 'choose' someone as your Guru. You simply believe that someone is your Guru. We often say that "I have 'chosen' or ‘made ...