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Gurudev, can there be a dispassion and yet absolute enthusiasm in every role?
Yes, don’t you see that in so many people here, who are totally dispassionate, and yet full of enthusiasm? Absolutely! Children have this. When they are crying, the tears haven’t even disappeared from their cheeks, and they start smiling and laughing also. ... -
Gurudev, what is vairagya and how can I continue to live in it?
Let us take vairagya to mean contentment. Whenever you are content, that is vairagya. If you have had a full meal, and someone brings more food, you will say, "No I am full", that is vairagya. You cannot exist without v ... -
Gurudev, when one gets initiated into Sanyasa (renunciation), then one is asked to burn off the Janeuu (sacred thread worn across the shoulders), and it is considered that one cremated oneself. What is the actual secret behind this?
No, it does not mean that. See, just like a snake sheds off its old skin, in the same way this ritual symbolizes that one should drop off everything from the past and be firmly established in the present.Burning the thread at the time of Sanyas ... -
Does renunciation bring arrogance? If so, how to overcome it?
Definitely. There are two types of arrogance:1. The arrogance of possessing, of having.2. The arrogance of letting go, of sacrifice.Both are equally bad. In fact, the arrogance of possessing sometimes is easy to overcome, but the arrog ... -
I have lost myself and I am not able to be happy. I feel like taking sanyaas (recluse). What do I do?
Sanyaas comes from a fulfilled mind, not from running away from life or from reality. It is staying amidst and being centered. That is what sanyaas is.If you are too feverish and too passionate then you will be unhappy. It is ... -
Gurudev, how can married people be more dispassionate?
Whenever you have a fight with your spouse, at that time become dispassionate. When what you don't like happens, at that time, become dispassionate. Dispassion is a part of life, without dispassion life cannot move ahead. Without dispassion there can ... -
When and how can we achieve complete control on the five senses? Is total vairagya possible?
Your experience and maturity shows. You don’t have to exercise control. You didn’t have to exercise any control to let go of cotton candies or lollipops. As you grew up, your interest in lollipops vanished.In young people there is a lot ... -
Gurudev, how to attain dispassion, and how to be free of the desire to attain something?
Through dhyaan (meditation) and gyaan (knowledge). Through this you will attain bliss, and when there is bliss then dispassion follows.To be dispassionate, just realize that everything is momentary and temporary. To attai ... -
Gurudev, to walk on the path of Yoga, two things are essential: Practice & Dispassion. How to develop these two separately?
Knowledge takes you towards dispassion, and action results in practice. For practice, we need to do something; we need to do pranayama, meditation, etc. Dispassion happens through knowledge and awareness.Just wake up and see this again and again &nd ... -
Gurudev, you talk about dispassion and equanimity, but when I let go of my defenses, I am becoming more sensitive. How to come out of it?
Read Yoga Vasistha. You have to see that the whole world is just a dream. That will give you the endurance and the strength to withstand unpleasant situations as well. Or listen to Ashtavakra's knowledge.Keep your intellect above the world ...