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How do I keep my body and mind away from lust?
There are two things to understand for answering this question. One is, it depends on what age you are when you ask this question. I have different answers for different age groups (laughter). If you are a teenager asking this question, I would s ... -
How to overcome lust?
I think you have not read the book - ‘Celebrating Silence’ or ‘Intimate note to the sincere seeker’. I have given many ideas in the book. You should apply all of them. If any of them works then that is good. If nothing works, then wait for the time when yo ... -
Sex, drugs, alcohol, how does one escape them? They are all over the place.
Just this thought that we want to escape and pull people out of it, will do it. Today, can you all take a vow that you will not even turn and look in that direction? If someone is even tempted, send them to me, or to any of our YES!+ teachers. They wi ... -
Gurudev, is lust bad? Should we just go with lust, because if we resist, it persists.
Moderation! Nothing should be done in extremes. Lust is because you don’t have much to do. If you are busy, then it doesn’t take over your mind as much. You should use your energy more creatively, then you will find you will be more centred. ... -
Gurudev, what is the easiest way to overcome thoughts of obsession, lust and desire?
Keep yourself busy. Put your passion to a bigger cause. Be passionate about creating something or making something. Be busy in spreading knowledge, and spreading Dharma. Day and night think of how you can reach out to people, and do some g ... -
How to know the difference between love and desire/lust?
In love the other is important, in lust, you are important. ... -
I have many erotic thoughts. Are they harmful?
Never mind, don’t worry; don’t identify yourself with the thoughts. Thoughts are thoughts, they come and go, don’t worry. As long as you don’t give them power, you don’t act on them, you are very safe. It takes time for your consciousness to be so di ... -
Gurudev, I am obsessed with sex and such kind of activities for a long period. I am not able to focus on anything. I want to come out of it but cannot. If I stop myself, I really feel suffocated and suppressed.
If you engage yourself in some creative work, then sex will not bother you so much. If you have nothing to do, you are not focused on achieving something, or doing some creative work, or having a goal or some dedication in life, then naturally the only oth ... -
Sublimating Lust
Lust is one of the main botherations that many face. Lust grips the mind and tires the body, and dulls the intellect. Lust, when indulged, brings inertia, and when suppressed brings anger. Lust is nothing but primordial un-harnessed energy. The same when ... -
Love and Lust
In love even an object gains life. Stones speak to you, trees speak to you, the sun, the moon and the whole creation becomes alive, Divine. In lust even a living being becomes a mere object. You want to use even people like objects. Here are some salient ...