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In spite of being an Art of Living practitioner for over 20 years, I still struggle with depression. What are your concrete recommendations? Should I do more chanting? Or seva? Or more meditation? Or work with my mind? Gratefully yours.
First of all, there is a mantra for depression. You want to know how to get depressed? Sit and think about, 'What about me? What about me? What about me?' You will get depressed. When you come out of that, and see, What is it I can do, how I can contrib ... -
Can we do something about depression?
Sure, we can do something about it. Do you know, depression is the biggest challenge for The World Health Organization (WHO) and possibly the world, in the next 5 years. Nearly 40% of the school teachers in Europe are depressed, and if teachers ... -
I am depressed about the total lack of interest shown by the social media houses in covering the positive work done by The Art of Living. I feel helpless. What to do?
Don't bother about it. Positive things have never been on the news, only negative things have been on the news. They will harp on negative news, catch it, find it with a lens and write about it. It is their behaviour, you should understand this. Don't e ... -
Many nurses are suffering from stress and would readily benefit from having a meditation centre. I want to have a meditation centre in Toronto General Hospital but the approval has not come.
You know, it takes some time for people to come out of the old, closed mindset. So you keep at it and keep convincing them. Recently, there was a research done in Toronto or London, where they found that the remission of depression was 14% with all drug ... -
Dear Gurudev, what are your thoughts on Western therapies for trauma, depression, and anxiety? Is it contradictory or complementary to The Art of Living path?
I would say Western therapies are constantly changing and progressing. Whatever therapy the West was using several years ago, they are no longer valid today, they have discarded it all. I would always go for a holistic solution. There are some aspects t ... -
I am talking about clinical depression.
Yes, depression is always clinical depression. It is in the mind. The clinical depressions have been treated at NIMHANS (National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences).Have you heard about this institute? It is a premier institute based i ... -
Can the mind continue its process of evolution between lifetimes as well? Does it need a body and situations for its evolution?
Yes, it needs a body. That is why the human body is very precious. You know, in day to day life, when you do things, sometimes you lose energy. When the energy goes down, the mind also goes down. Haven't you had this experience? (Audience ... -
What should I do if I have a tendency of going into depression?
First of all, don’t label yourself as, 'I have a tendency of getting depressed', no! Remove this label and throw it out of the window.The mind is not solid, it is airy. Mind is like the space. Sensations come and go, some vibrations co ... -
I was on anti-depressants for many years. I've been off anti-depressants for 2 years. I do my Sudarshan Kriya every day, but my concentration and sleep are not normal, and this affects my work. Sometimes I feel that I was better off on anti-depressants. Is it okay to take them on doctor’s advice if my job is at stake, or should I resist at all cost.
I wouldn't say resist at all cost, but resist it. And do Yoga. Spend one hour in the morning stretching and balancing your body. It was good today (morning yoga session), wasn't it? How many of you enjoyed that? When you do it, concentration improves. ... -
The suicide rate in Korea is very high. The children of Korea are growing up in an environment where there is too much competition and very less culture and spirituality. Please send us your words of wisdom.
When energy goes down you get depressed and when it goes further down suicidal tendencies arise. Through proper breathing exercises, some meditation and through good and loving company energy can go up. Usually when we have some negative things in our ...