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Please speak about compassion.
In life there are three things which are essential: 1. Passion 2. Dispassion, and 3. Compassion Passion is like breathing in, and Dispassion is like breathing out. No one can say, ‘I want to only ... -
Gurudev, what to do when someone blames your character or integrity?
There is a very beautiful couplet in Kannada that says, ‘What do you say to a person who is scared of noise but has built his house in the market?’ ‘What do say to a person who has built a home on the seashore and hates waves?’ ‘What do you say t ... -
Dear Gurudev, when we meditate we experience such bliss, how can that state continue with or without meditation?
With knowledge and with dispassion. When you see the whole world is a dream, the meditative state remains in activity also. But do not make a mood out of it; you should not do mood making. Live life naturally, as everyone else lives; simple, natural. Do no ... -
How can one be enthusiastic but dispassionate at the same time?
That is the real skill. When self-interest is not there then it is much easier. Like when you do seva, you are passionate as well as dispassionate, isn't it? So many of you are doing seva in kitchen, are you not doing it passionately? (Respons ... -
Gurudev, you have said that success in yoga is achieved by dispassion and practice. I am doing my practices, but I am married and I don’t have dispassion. How can I progress in yoga?
No! Fulfilling your responsibilities is also dispassion. Attend to your responsibilities. Do what you need to do, complete it and rest. That which you need to drop, drop it and rest, this is dispassion. There is no need for you to leave your home and ... -
Gurudev, on the path of spirituality which approach is preferable between Vairagya (dispassion) and Josh (zeal/passion)?
Both are necessary. That is why Lord Krishna first aroused zeal in Arjun by saying, ‘Look, what will people say? They will say, 'He is such a coward.’ What is the point in living a life of humiliation; it would be better to die.’ Then he said, 'Is it ... -
Glory (Vaibhav) and Dispassion (Vairag)
It is often believed that glory and dispassion are contradictory and cannot co-exist. Glory and luxury without dispassion is a nauseating pomp and show. Such glory does not bring fulfillment for anyone. it is shallow. Alternately, the dispassion that is a ... -
Where Dispassion is Detrimental!
Karthik: Is there something we should not be dispassionate about? Guruji: Myself! (laughter) Do not put off the fire of longing for the Divine or Satsang with Dispassion. There is a little fire in you that propels you towards Knowledge, Sadhana, Devotion ... -
I Am Neither Honest Nor Humble
A lady- I want an honest and humble man in my life. Gurudev- I am neither honest nor humble. (Everyone shocked) Gurudev- I cannot tell everyone I am God, as not everyone will understand. So I am not honest. I am not humble- how can God be humble! If I am ... -
Rest and Activity
Activity and rest are two vital aspects of life. To find a balance in them is a skill in itself. When to have what and how much to have is wisdom. Finding them in each other-activity in rest and rest in activity-is the ultimate freedom. More tiring than t ...