
Personalize your daily sadhana
with Abhyāsa app

Yoga, Pranayamas, Bhastrika, Sudarshan Kriya, Meditation, Chanting – do them all, or just one, or anywhere in between, depending on how much time you have; and in your favorite teacher’s voice. Go ahead, download it, and make it your own. Happy sadhana!

Make it your Own


Sequences are at the heart of Abhyāsa. They help you make Abhyāsa your own. Create sequences to personalize your sadhana. Choose from 12 meditations and 3 different chants. Have a lot of time? Start with padmasadhana, move to pranayamas, Sudarshan Kriya, then some chanting.


Sudarshan Kriya


Customize number of rounds of pranayama, speed of the pranayama count, language and  the teacher’s voice in which you would like to hear the instructions, the time duration of meditation after the Sudarshan Kriya; all this can be pre-decided. Abhyāsa will take care of the rest.


Meditation for All


Not just for people who have completed the Art of Living programs; anyone can use features like asana, meditation and chanting. Only Sudarshan Kriya requires authorization by an Art of Living teacher. Spread the word to all your friends whether they have completed the Art of Living programs or not!


User Feedback on Play Store

“Abhyāsa is awesome!! The ease of customization ensures that I don't have an excuse for not doing the Sadhana. Highly recommended!!!!!”

“Excellent app! Sadhana is effortless - works like a charm. Best part - it is configurable at each level as per your convenience and stages of courses attended.”

“The app is amazing. The app allows changing the count, duration and including mudras, bandhas and Sahaj meditation too in Sudarshan Kriya. So one can spend 38 min to 100 min on Sudarshan Kriya based on the profile selected”



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