What is Yoga?
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blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long getsblog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long getsblog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.

Open The Wisdom Encyclopedia!
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar maybe in the North, South, East or West part of the world, but you are just a click...

Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout
Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single mantra to stay fit,...
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets. blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets. blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets. blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets. blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.

Warrior Pose (Veerabhadrasana or Virabhadrasana)
This pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, thighs and back muscles,...

Watch your Weight with Yoga this Festive Season
It’s that time of the year again. Time to celebrate, party, and...

Repose in these Poses to Lose Weight
Losing weight brings a lot of dedication, commitment, disciplined...
Yoga Breathing Exercises
It can be hard to meditate on your own, if you haven't learned a technique or having someone guide you. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, is an expert at leading people into meditation in an effortless manner, and has done so for millions of people worldwide.
Experience the benefits of meditation starting today with these free online guided meditations >>

How meditation can heal you
“In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser...

The Secret of Secrets
This is continued from the previous post … In Quantum Physics, everything is only atoms, a wave function, just...

Understanding Fear
I was going through the presentation that I was supposed to present...

Tips to Reduce Anger
Have you noticed that no matter how many times you remind yourself...
Yoga Sutras
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets
blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets.blog post intro phrase here and here again so that it fills the space, second line if long gets