Reciting from the Bhagavad Gita


“Once, when he was barely four we decided to initiate him into some form of spiritual education, according to the traditions of the time. So we took him to Thangamma, a staunch Gandhian, retired headmistress and reputed teacher…Bhagavad Gita in hand, she chanted its first line: “Parthaaya Pratibodhitaam”…imagine her disbelief when the young boy before her very calmly uttered the second line: “Bhagavataam Narayanena Swayum!”! 
She was absolutely speechless! She couldn’t believe her ears, and so she asked him to repeat himself, which he did, with twinkling eyes! Thangamma was astounded that a child could recite from an ancient sacred text, which he hadn’t been taught – that too when he couldn’t even read yet!”