Art of Meditation
Teacher Training

Become a Meditation Teacher



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If you love to meditate, and you love people, inevitably you will want to become a meditation teacher. If you have learned Art of Meditation, you have already taken the first step.

The Art of Meditation Teacher Training Course is an opportunity for you to be able to open the door of meditation to others.  It is also a beautiful opportunity to go deeper into the very basis of meditation.  Upon successfully completing this training, it will be possible for you to become a qualified Art of Meditation teacher.

This teacher training is open to those who have successfully completed the Art of Living Teacher Training and who have been actively teaching the SKY Breath Meditation from at least four years.


This course is open to teachers of the Art of Living SKY Breath Meditation who have been actively teaching for five years and who practice meditation regularly. Other prerequisites include successful completion of Guru Puja Course, Phase I and Phase II.

For further information, please contact