When does the intensity of intention become feverishness?
Never mind, don’t examine this too much and think, "Oh, am I feverish?" If you have passion, just go with it, okay? Where do you have time to sit and think whether it is feverishness, or what? Just be spontaneous, my dear. Never mind, even if mistakes happen, I don’t mind it!
Spontaneity is the sign of a vibrant life. When you are spontaneous, you don't chew on the past, you don’t chew on yourself or others. If you get upset, I don’t mind it, but it should be a spontaneous anger, not a stale one that goes on in your mind for months together, and then one day you burst! You can give fresh anger; your anger should be like fire and ice, fresh! It’s okay if it goes off also, otherwise you will keep some stale thing in mind when you are angry.
Children are like that, they are angry for a moment when you take a toy away from them, they are so angry, and then the next moment they are okay. Just stick to those tendencies that we came with to this Earth.