Bangalore, India
You know, we all should take this joy and enthusiasm that we have with us to every village and every home in India.
In India, cows are worshipped in the form of mother and are called Gomata (Mother). Research has shown that the milk of our Indian cows is becoming more like mother’s milk. Even Nature changes with the kind of feelings and sentiments you have within.
One of our devotees Rohini told me about the good work happening in the drought hit villages in Sangli. There was a draught in four Talukas there (sub districts). There we started giving water in 16 villages and 12 plantations. We had small tankers. But wherever our tankers went, people used to run behind them. People had healing experiences. One boy had skin problems. Just by having a bath in this water, he recovered. When the milk was boiled with mixing any other water, the milk used to get curdled. But the water from our tanker when mixed with milk, the milk never curdled. From this story I want to tell you that the way your sentiments are, so will the world appear to you. It is said that – “Jaise Bhaav taise Bhav” (Bhaav: feelings, and Bhav: creation; here meaning: As are your feelings and sentiments within, the world appears to be the very same way). So the way you think, you find that the world becomes like that. I am giving this example. The water was taken from the same well. When our devotees distributed the water, the milk did not curdle. Why did the milk curdle with water from another tanker? There were no feelings in the water (the water was devoid of purity of sentiment or feelings).
I want to tell you one more thing. In India, cows are worshipped in the form of mother and are called Gomata (the cow as Mother). Research has shown that there are two types of proteins in cow’s milk. One is called the A1 protein and the second is called A2 protein. The Jersey cows in foreign countries have A1 protein in their milk, which is harmful to the health of a human being. That is one of the many reasons why the whole Vegan movement has started. But mother’s milk, goat’s milk as well as milk from the Indian cows does not have A1 protein. It has A2 protein. So this milk is very beneficial for the human beings.
Since ages we have always called the cows as Gomata. Even the protein has changed in our cows! The milk of our Indian Desi (local or indigenous breeds) cows is becoming more like mother’s milk. This is very good for human beings. It can remove cancer, and can boost the immune system. That is why, even Nature changes with the kind of feelings and sentiments you have within. So because we always worshipped the cow as Gomata, the cow also started giving milk like a nurturing mother. That is why a country like Brazil is also importing cows from India, because our cows’ milk has A2 protein.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says that four types of people worship me. Some people want money and comforts, so they come out of desire for that. Some people come to me to get rid of pains and misery. Then some people come for Moksha (salvation) and then there are the Jnanis (knowledgeable ones) who also come to me. He has said this very clearly. Not only the wise, inquisitive people also come to the Lord desiring answers to their deepest questions and to quench their curiosity. All four types of people come to the refuge of the Lord.
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