
Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery is a collection of childrens pictures capturing their moods, movments and aspriations. These pictures allow us to take a glimpse into their lives.

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Art Gallery

Art Gallery - the tribes keep alive a culture that is thousands of years old through their music, traditions, and art. These spontaneous sketches by Tribal Children are depiction of their surroundings. These drawings symbolize a world where human beings, animals, flora and fauna are integral parts of their world.

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Talent Gallery

Tribes in India offer a glimpse of the simple yet amazingly interesting lifestyle. Their crafts, dances, clothes, culture and languages are strikingly different and fascinating. The primary impulses of tribal dance are the simple rhythms from the beat of the commonplace drum. Tribal and folk dances today provide the thread of continuity between the distant past and the present. Through active participation in their cultural upkeep, these children will keep their art alive for future generations.

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