H.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar addressed the Point of Peace Summit, a meeting of former Nobel Peace Prize laureates, and conflict solution experts, in Stavanger, Norway on September 11, 2008.
H.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar drew the attention of the leaders of peace with a stimulating articulation on dialog as a means for peace during his address on the topic ‘The Power of Dialogue -9/11 and Then What?’
“There is a great need for dialog, and for creating mediators. The role of a mediator is vital, and he needs to play the role of a catalyst without imposing himself,” he said. “Most conflicts are based on an identity crisis.
We have forgotten that first, and foremost, we are all human beings; then other identifications such as religion, nationality, and gender follow. If people get stuck with their limited identities, they are ready to die for it. We need to move beyond our narrow identities to overcome fear, mistrust, and conflict in the post 9/11 scenario,” he added.