More than 3000 farmers from all over Karnataka will assemble at The Art of Living International Centre, Bengaluru to attend the ‘Karnataka Organic farmers convention’ from 22nd to 24th January, 2015.
Organized by the Art of Living in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Karnataka, the aim of the workshop is to make farming in Karnataka disease-free, save the soil from chemical fertilizers and pesticides and maintain the state’s sustainability and prosperity.
The inauguration program will be in the presence of The Art of Living Founder,Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and the key note address will be presented by Dr. Prabhakar Rao, Trustee of Sri Sri Institute of Agriculture Sciences and technology.
The participants have an opportunity of acquiring latest know-how of agricultural practices from the expertise and scientists from different corners of Karnataka. The workshop spanning over three days intends to bring the ancient knowledge from the Vedas to the farmers.
Experienced farmers with immense practical knowledge in the field of chemical-free farming like Dr. Subramanya, Dr. M.V. Channabyregowda, Dr. A.G.Hiremath, Dr. Kantharaj, Dr. Gubbaiah and Dr. Ramkrishnappa will discuss with farmers the challenges on the field and provide them with technical solutions.
The experts will talk about concepts of holistic, sustainable and eco-friendly Natural Farming practices incorporating the use of indigenous cows, with low
input cost and high quality yield. They will also expose the nutraceutical benefits of millet, its production, processing and other related nuances.
As an offset of the economic burden faced, the model of local-production-local-
The workshop would include information on location specific technologies for nutrient management, pest management, and post harvest management. The concept of sun harvesting and its relevance in the multi crop production system would also be elaborated upon by the experts.