"Just as a sapling needs watering to blossom fully, young children need
‘sanskars’ to nurture the human values.”
-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar
Praha, Czech Republic
Until Mon, 02/17/2025 (early-bird fees will apply)
Poplatek | 750,00 Kč |
After Mon, 02/17/2025 (normal fees will apply, post early-bird expiry)
Poplatek | 1 000,00 Kč |
We all want our children to be successful and become good leaders. In addition to formal education at school, a strong value system is needed to lay the foundation for a strong future.
Children absorb values from family and society. Traditionally values were passed down to children by elders in the family and society. However today many children live in nuclear families. They are also heavily influenced by media, video games and television.
In today’s environment, Sri Sri Center for Values and Culture provides an opportunity for children to learn human values and become better & happier human beings. This is an important need for parents, society and the country today.
Children between the age of 7 and 11 years participate in a 2-hour interactive and playful session once a week
Through ancient verses, inspirational stories, yoga postures, wonders and wellness tips spirit of inquiry is kindled and they learn the values of compassion, cooperation, friendliness and caring for others and the world around them
Praha, Czech Republic
Until Mon, 02/17/2025 (early-bird fees will apply)
Poplatek | 750,00 Kč |
After Mon, 02/17/2025 (normal fees will apply, post early-bird expiry)
Poplatek | 1 000,00 Kč |
Pataňdžaliho jóga sútry: Cesta do srdce jógové filozofie.
Objevte nadčasovou moudrost Pataňdžaliho jóga súter, starobylého učení, které odhaluje tajemství mysli a vede vás k vnitřnímu klidu, sebeovládání a konečné svobodě. Tyto hluboké aforismy, které napsal Mahariši Pataňdžali, světec a vizionář z 2. století př. n. l., nabízejí návod k životu v rovnováze a naplnění, který propojuje tělo, mysl a duši.
Připojte se k nám na 4 živá 1,5hodinová online sezení přes Zoom se Swamim Divyatejem.
Každé sezení zahrnuje:
- Filozofie jógy
- Řízená meditace
- Otázky a odpovědi
Termíny: 27. - 28. února a 6. - 7. března
Časové rozvržení: vždy 19:00 - 20:30 hodin středoevropského času
Celý kurz bude překládán do češtiny!