Appeal for Donations: Disaster relief in Germany

15th Juli 2021

The Art of Living Foundation in collaboration with the International Association for Human Values (IAHV) collects monetary donations for the flood victims in Germany

15.7.2021 - Fatalities, injured or missing people, flooded villages, collapsed buildings – people who lost all their belongings: the flood disaster from July 2021 has left a path of destruction in large areas of the federal states of North-Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland Palatinate in Germany. The people in these areas are experiencing tragedies we can hardly find words for.

The full extent of the disaster is still unpredictable. In some areas, disaster crews and volunteers are still mainly busy in keeping dams intact and evacuating and rescuing residents trapped in their flooded homes.

Donation account

As a first step, the International Association for Human Values, a sister organization of The Art of Living that is specialized in humanitarian aid and disaster and trauma relief work, has set-up a donation account to provide financial support for people severely affected by the floods. Donations will fully – 100% - be forwarded to the regions mostly affected by the disaster. Our team is in contact with the crisis teams in charge to find out about the local needs.

Donation account for monetary donations:

International Association for Human Values Deutschland e.V.
Bank: BW-Bank Stuttgart
Account number: 1303720
Bank code number: 600 501 01
IBAN: DE44 6005 0101 0001 3037 20
Keyword: Flood aid 2021

Please donate generously. Your donations will be processed by IAHV Germany which is registered as a non-profit organization. Your donations are fully tax deductible.
As usual, and as we did during our past aid initiatives, we will keep you informed about the further steps we are taking and about news related to the development of the situation through our internet channels.


Outlook -  Supporting on-site clean-up operations

Just as we did in 2002 in the aftermath of the flood of the river Elbe and of the flood disaster in Southern Bavaria and Saxony in 2013, we are now getting organized to support the affected residents in their clean-up operations as soon as the water levels dropped.
In 2002 and 2013, we were in the disaster areas with teams of volunteers – some for a week, others for a few days - to support local clean-up teams or individual people.

The situation is very similar now: towns are flooded, streets are full of mud and sludge, the cellars of private family homes are filled with mud, garbage and all of what the water swept along.

In consultation with local / regional crisis teams our volunteers will support in:
- removing mud
- other clean-up operations
- sorting and distributing clothes and household items at designated collection points
- whatever seems appropriate or necessary to be done.

Join our volunteer team – sign in here

Would you like to join one of our volunteer teams? When can you come and join us? Please sign in here if you want to take part in our aid initiative for a few days or even longer.

Currently we are still in consultation with the local / regional authorities to define all details about our involvement. As soon as we can get started, we will contact you personally about all details.

We are looking forward to your support! Thanks a lot in advance!


Do you have questions?

Please call: +49 (0)171 3111598  or   +49 (0)7804 – 973 911
Or email us: or


In Review: Flood disaster relief work in 2013

Here you can find further background information about our aid initiative in Southern Bavaria and Saxony in 2013.