Yoga for Gastric Problem
Everyone feels gassy now and then. Gas in the abdomen is passed through belching or farting. Excess gas can make the stomach feel swollen or bloated. There are many reasons behind heavy gastric problems like Regularly being on an empty stomach for a long ... -
3 yoga asanas to help burn belly fat
Belly fat burning exercises don't have to leave you panting for breath. Neither do you need a slew of pills nor a restricted diet. Yoga has the perfect belly fat-burning postures. Yoga asanas are nothing short of an intense workout for the core and o ... -
Yoga Asanas and Their Poses for Beginners
"Yoga is not just physical exercises. It's an emotional integration, spiritual elevation, with a touch of a mystic element, which gives you a glimpse of something which is beyond all imagination." ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Yoga is a ... -
Power-packed yoga plank poses for stronger arms, spine
Plank exercises usually fall under the beginner’s yoga pose and have multiple benefits. For beginners, the yoga plank pose and its variations are strongly recommended to help build stamina and core body strength for practicing the advanced yoga poses. Pla ... -
Reverse Prayer Pose (Paschim Namaskarasana)
Paschim = west. In this context, it means backside; namaskar = greeting; asana = pose Paschim Namaskarasana or the Reverse Prayer pose is an upper body strengthening pose that works specifically on the arms and the abdomen. It is also known as Viparita Na ... -
Eagle pose (Garudasana)
Garuda – Eagle, asana – pose How to do Eagle Pose (Garudasana) Begin by standing in Tadasana. Bend your knees and lift your left foot up to cross it over the right one. Ensure that right foot is firmly placed on the floor and the left thigh is over the ri ... -
Vajrasna (Adamintine Pose)
This yoga posture has been named after the shape it takes – that of a diamond or thunderbolt. One can sit in Vajrasana (Adamintine Pose) at the time of doing pranayamas. This yoga posture is pronounced as vahj-RAH-sah-na. Vajra = Diamond shaped, thunderbo ... -
Adho Mukha Svanasana- Downward Facing Dog Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose) Adho – Forward; Mukha – Face; Svana- Dog The asana is pronounced as A-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAS-anna Adho mukha svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. This a ... -
5 Tips to Deepen Your Padma Sadhana
A very gentle yet deep yoga technique, Padma Sadhana, is experiencing meditation through asanas (yoga postures). The entire Padma Sadhana sequence is 40-minute long, which includes 10 minutes of yoga postures, 5 minutes of pranayama (breathing technique), ... -
Standing Spinal Twist (Katichakrasana)
The name of this yoga posture, Katichakrasana, literally means rotation of the waist. It gives a nice stretch to the waist and helps in making it more flexible and supple. It takes very little time to do the stretch and it benefits your body in many ways. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.