

  1. What do you say about the eastern and western cultures?

    Pick up good things like cleanliness and following the rules from the Western society. Western Civilization has such cleanliness and the sense of following rules. Learn the Human values from the East. Every country or tradition has something good to off ...
  2. As per research statistics, there is major portion of population which is depressed in the West. Comparatively, it is much less in the East. It is so pinching to see such a condition, in spite of having so many comforts and electronic lifestyle. What is the reason and under these circumstances, where are we heading to?

    Yes, and that is why we all have to work together. The planet is facing a kind of stagnation; and it is only through youth, the transformation will happen. An empowered youthful heart, free from alcohol, drugs and other addictions is the hope of the wo ...
  3. Can spirituality save the world?

    What is destroying this world? It’s the greed, jealousy, hatred, narrow mindedness, selfishness, and all these negative emotions and qualities which are destroying the world, right? Because of greed of few people, anger and hatred of few people, l ...
  4. Sometimes I think I live in a world surrounded by formalities and exchanging superficial words. But the question is I feel that there is more to it, life cannot be just being nice and living in this cordial way but there is more because I worry that when I die, I wouldn’t even remember where to start again?

    Now I understand there is a longing, there is emptiness, and there is a craving for something higher. Right! And that gives that pain. So, that pain to attain something very fast is in a way good, but what is needed along with this is a little patience. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Mehr