

  1. New! Silence Course for Beginners in Bad Antogast

    Come and enjoy deep rest and a few days of silence in the Black Forest. This course is designed to those who have not done any previous Art of Living Course and who want to enjoy the silence. Take some time out for yourself -  eat healthily, do physical an ...
  2. CM Akhilesh Yadav meets Sri Sri at Art of Living ashram

    Bangalore, June 15: Today, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Sri. Akhilesh Yadav called on Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Art of Living ashram and spent 55 minutes.He was accompanied by the Samajwadi Party National Secretary and Karnataka in-charge, Mr ...
  3. Africa meditates for peace on its 50th anniversary of unification

    Gurudev becomes the 1st humanitarian to unite 23 African countries in a peace initiative Bangalore, May 25, 2013: Africa celebrated its 50th anniversary of political unity with a spiritual unification as 23 countries came together to be a part of 'I Medita ...
  4. Yoga has immediate effects on gene expression of immune cells

    A study just published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE ( has found that a comprehensive yoga program rapidly produces effects at the genetic level. Conducted by the University of ...
  5. Sri Sri offers to mediate in Korea

    The growing unease and conflagration in the Korean peninsula has taken a new shape with the world renowned spiritual leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar making a fervent appeal to the leadership in North Korea to give peace a chance. In his statement Gurud ...
  6. "Ethics in business is a must" state Global Biz Leaders

    The 10th Corporate Culture and Spirituality, India Conference emphasizes the role of spirituality and ethics in the field of businessBangalore, February 8, 2013: “Ethics is the foundation of any business” was the sentiment echoed by eminent business leader ...
  7. Google+ Hangout with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inspires millions of viewers

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inspires the masses with the largest and longest Google+ Hangout One-of a kind worldwide video-conference called upon action to create a violence-free stress-free society It was an exceptional online-event that took center stag ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Mehr