Embark on an inward journey where meditation meets melody.

Join us for an unforgettable evening of tranquil music, breathwork, and meditation.
Discover the harmony between calming mantras and soothing tunes, washing away your stresses and guiding you to a state of deep relaxation.

Experience a warm, inclusive space where you can fully unwind and connect with your inner self.

Join us for an unforgettable evening of tranquil music, breathwork, and meditation.

Sign up now

About the Workshop:

Soothing Mantras

Immerse yourself in the ancient and meditative technique of Sanskrit mantra singing. Experience the power of these ancient sounds as they resonate in your mind and heart, guiding you on a journey within.

Energizing breathwork

Experience the power of your breath in energizing your whole system and letting you experience the present moment. Learn a technique you can take home and practice daily.

Guided Meditation

Meditation gives you deep rest and connects you to your inner nature of peace and joy. Experience deep meditation with our expert guidance and learn how to establish a daily meditation routine.

Practical Wisdom

Learn how yogic techniques and wisdom can help you master your mind, and experience your daily life with centeredness, calm, and happiness. You'll have the chance to get answers to your questions from our expert instructors.

“In satsang, both the left and right hemispheres of the brain
get balanced. The wandering mind comes back to the present
moment and experiences a deeper dimension to life.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Join the Music & Meditation Workshop
in your city

2-hour session with an expert instructor

Entry: Regular 15€ | Students: 10€

You’ll receive a complimentary E-book
on how to practice meditation, breathwork, mudras,
and mantra chanting at home after the workshop.

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Meet the Instructors

Christoph Glaser

Christoph Glaser

Trained as a banker, Christoph pursued studies in psychology and obtained a master's degree in Public Policy. In the early 90s, he discovered the breathing and meditation techniques of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, which profoundly influenced his life.

Today, Christoph's extensive expertise in breath-supported mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and resilience forms the foundation of his work as the CEO of TLEX, where he and his team help companies create strong, healthy, and high-performing cultures.

Eva Legall Pereira

Eva Legall


Eva has been teaching breathing techniques and meditation of the Art of Living for three decades, introducing thousands to the wisdom of yoga. Her seminars are characterized by a mix of humor and wisdom, dynamism and stillness, intelligence and warmth.

Today, Eva is a wife and dog mom, living near the international center of Art of Living in the black forest. There, she regularly leads silent retreats and initiates people into meditation.

Dr. med. Julia Stenzel

Dr. med. Julia Stenzel

Dr. med. Julia Stenzel is a full-time physician who has been practicing yoga, breathing techniques, and meditation daily for over 10 years. She teaches Art of Living courses for both medical professionals and the general population.

She has dedicated her life to the study of holistic healthcare, starting from physical health to mental well-being and spiritual growth. Additionally, Julia is a talented singer of mantras, another form of healing through the power of ancient sounds.

Krishi Köllner

Krishi Köllner

Krishi has taught a diverse range of Art of Living programs over the last 21 years across Europe and Africa. In addition to the general population, he has conducted programs for the Swiss Tennis Association, the Norwegian football club, and several prominent trainers from Germany.

Coming from a professional marketing background, Krishi is an avid traveler, skydiver, and startup, and tech enthusiast. He is also a passionate guitar player and singer, having guided thousands into inner silence through the singing of healing mantras.

Marcel Verbay

Marcel Verbay

Marcel Verbay is an Art of Living course instructor and an expert in advanced breathing techniques and meditation programs, with more than 35 years of experience. He is also a guitar teacher at the Musikschule Region Sursee in Switzerland.

With his extensive experience in teaching both music and meditation, Marcel travels to various countries in Europe, gently guiding people into deep inner silence and harmony through healing sounds and simple meditation instruction.


Vanessa Eble

Vanessa Eble is a trained social worker with a master's degree in school and organizational development. Her passion lies in supporting people on their personal development journey. Fifteen years ago, during her own journey of personal development, she discovered meditation and breathing techniques, which she now teaches in courses.

As a trainer and coach at the TLEX Institute, she assists executives in stress management, resilience, and healthy and mindful leadership. Vanessa is dedicated to helping people lead a more conscious and fulfilled life.

Experience the power of meditation, mantras, and breathwork for yourself!