Silence Retreat Sep 9-15 , 2024

An Experience of Abundance, Contentment, and Fulfillment
  • Become an Instrument of healing
  • Realize the sacredness of life
  • An experience of deep gratitude and fullness

The Blessings Course is a subtle yet powerful program that includes unique processes and meditations designed to take the individual to a deep state of gratitude and fullness. Participants report that more than any other course they have taken, they become aware of the tremendous grace that flows to them and through them.

Fulfillment is a beautiful quality of the consciousness and gives one the ability to bless and be an instrument of healing. The Blessings Course offers an experience of abundance, contentment and fulfillment through unique meditation processes. These qualities are natural to all of us, and the course brings them to the fore of our experience.


Two Art of Living Silence Retreats.

Silence Retreat Sep 9-15 , 2024
77728 Oppenau
Britta Steiger, Bad Antogast Teacher Team
Bad Antogast Teacher Team, 0780497390,
Course language(s):
Bad Antogast Teacher Team, 0780497390,
Course Id: A04814


Wichtige Anmerkungen:

-       Der Stille Retreat ist eine Kombination des Art of Living Meditations- und Atemworkshops ( früher Happiness Programm) und des Kunst der Stille Kurses

-       Der Kurs beginnt Montags um 19:00 Uhr und endet Sontags um 13:00 Uhr

-       Bitte checken Sie vor 18:30 ein

-       Wie Sie zu uns finden/Anfahrt hier 

Important remarks:

- Silence Retreat is a combination of Meditation and Breath Workshop and Art of Silence Course

- The course is in German language and there is no translation to English on this date

-  the course starts on Monday at 19.00 and finishes on Sunday at 13.00

- please kindly check in before 18.30

- how to reach Bad Antogast: click here