Peace APP to bring the World Together on International Peace Day

19th September 2014

India. 19 September 2014: Technology will cut across cultures and boundaries on the International Peace day when countries across the world will come together for a worldwide peace meditation.

"WorldPeaceMeditation" is an innovative mobile APP on iOS and Android platforms based devices(mobiles/tablets), which attempts to bring people together from all parts of the world for a global peace program. A serene guided meditation specially designed for a sustained world peace by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is made available on 21st September only through the app.

The initiative will be spearheaded by Art of Living and the International Association for Human Values in association with the First World War Centenary Partnership Program, of the British Government's Department for Media, Culture & Sports, The Dalai Lama Foundation, Unify, Peace One Day, Religions for Peace, 1GaintMind, Tony Samara, Feel Good Communities CIC., Here and Now 365.

According to Sue Hindle, Director of the IAHV and one of the leaders of the Peace project, “This event has the potential to bring together people and leaders of all communities, religions and belief systems, governments and local influencers, charities, organisations, and businesses, in support of one cause: WORLD PEACE!”

Distinguished Supporters of the Campaign, with their Peace Selfies, Hon. Member of British Parliament, Bob Blackman, Harrow East, London, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Spiritual Leader & humanitarian and Founder, Art of Living, among other celebrities have collectively appealed for World Peace.

There is an answer to correct the course of the current chaos and conflicts and work together for the betterment of humanity- and it is peace. “Meditation is that technique that puts us in touch with ourselves. Meditation is that inward journey to find peace. Unless every corner of the world is peaceful, our peace is incomplete,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

The APP explores:

  • Join World Peace Meditation on 21 September
  • The practical 40-day "Path to Peace
  • To Contribute your 20 minutes to a peaceful world

To participate in this globally synchronised meditation, all you have to do it download the app and join in at 7.30 pm IST. The meditation is guided in English, Russian and Spanish.

The app-download link to access from an iPhone or iPad is:

The app-download link to access from an Android Phone is:

For more details visit Web:;