Step by Step on a Mystical Journey
The experiences on the spiritual path are definite yet inexpressible.
- Find out the purpose of your life
- Discover the mystical secrets of life and creation
- Experience freedom and explore the innermost depth of your being
- Take gentle guided steps on the path to enlightenment
- Experience the absolute truth, highest knowledge and unparalleled bliss
Heal and Harmonise Your Body, Mind and Spirit
The first step is to learn the Sudarshan Kriya , a powerful breathing technique that purifies and harmonises our body, mind and spirit. It allows us to release accumulated stresses naturally and effectively.
Rest in Your Infinite Nature
The practice of silence – of consciously withdrawing our energy and attention from outer distractions – has been used in different traditions throughout time as a pathway to physical, mental, and spiritual renewal. By participating in various course processes specifically designed to take us beyond our usually active minds, we experience an extraordinary sense of peace and renewed vitality that we carry home with us and into daily lives.
Explore the Depths of Your Being
To experience the depth in meditation, it is vital to receive a mantra from a qualified teacher. In Sahaj Samadhi Meditation , one is taught to use a simple sound mentally which allows the mind to settle down and go within. When the mind and nervous system are allowed to repose for a few moments in the profound silence, the blocks that clog the system and our progress gradually dissolve. Regular practice of the technique can totally transform the quality of one's life, by culturing the system to maintain the peace, energy and expanded awareness throughout the day.