The Art of Silence (Part II + Part III)
In order to be dynamic, we need rest. However, it often happens that when we when we take a vacation, we come back feeling more exhausted and ‘in need of another holiday to get over that one’! «The Art of Silence» is a real vacation, leaving us rejuvenated and relaxed in body, mind and spirit.
The Art of Silence Course provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter, and experiencing deep rest and inner peace. The practice of silence – of consciously withdrawing our energy and attention from outer distractions – has been used in different traditions throughout time as a pathway to physical, mental, and spiritual renewal. By participating in various course processes specifically designed to take us beyond our usually active “monkey minds”, we experience an extraordinary sense of peace and renewed energy that we carry home with us. The course features:
- Two to three days of guided silence practice
- Unique guided meditations designed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Advanced breathing techniques which can also be practiced at home after the course
- Rejuvenating yoga
- Advanced insight on the laws governing our mind and emotions
- Organic, wholesome meals
The course is typically held as a residential retreat in a place of natural beauty and tranquility. It’s no wonder that many course participants refer to it as the ideal vacation for body, mind, and spirit.
Take some time out for yourself - eat healthily, do physical and breathing exercises, sing, dance, laugh and enjoy deep rest with advanced meditation techniques. Words cannot do justice to the experience of The Art of Silence course.
The Art of Living Meditation and Breath Workshop or YES!+ or silence retreat