Wisdom Search


  1. Practice Being Content

    Deep rest is the essence of sadhana. You have become so tired by doing something or the other all the time. Now just sit down for some time and to be with yourself. Do some meditation. When you meditate, you will start seeing a new world in front of you.Y ...
  2. Sri Sri's Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8- Part 1

    In Chapter 8, Lord Krishna begins by telling Arjuna, “I am the Supreme Lord and the governing deity of all Yajnas – whether they are material or spiritual in nature. I am the One who everyone wishes to know and attain in the last moments of their life. And ...
  3. Meditation: The Fastest Way To A Quiet Mind

    (Below is a continuation of post Making A Better World) Gurudev, what is better, doing one’s daily spiritual practices, or doing smarana (remembering God), or just observing the thoughts as they come and go? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You shouldn’t split it li ...
  4. Making A Better World

    There are problems in life but we have to collectively work towards them and overcome them. We are so fortunate that we have this knowledge. This organization is now 35 years, and this is what we have been doing, coming together and solving problems. Many ...
  5. You Are Not Your Thoughts

    (Below is a continuation of post Drop The Past) If I am the source of thoughts, then is there any difference between the source and the soul? If it is the same, do bad thoughts affect the soul? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, when do you realize that a thought ...
  6. Drop The Past

    Gurudev, you always say that joy is in the present moment. But there are some events of the past that hold me back from being totally in the present moment. Despite wanting to, many times I am not able to be totally in the present. What should I do? Sri S ...
  7. The Science of Vastushastra

    (Below is a continuation of post Love Is About Giving) How much importance should we give to Vastushastra? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, Vastushastra is definitely a science in itself. This science was conceived and developed in the ancient ages, and it is a ...
  8. The Cause Of All Causes Is The Guru Principle

    It so happened once, a lady went to a Guru and said, "I have two questions". The Guru said, "Okay, ask me". The lady asked, "Why did God make this world? Why couldn't he just be happy with the way it was? And having created it, why did he make it so miser ...
  9. Sri Sri's Message On Guru Purnima 2015

    There are two worlds that we live in: One is the world of memory and the other is the real world. In memory, there are three types of memory.1. You remember but you can't do anything about it. You remember your childhood, but you can't get it back. This i ...
  10. Love Is About Giving

    Gurudev, ego, misunderstandings and doubts have destroyed my relationship. What is the secret of loving relationships? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just be natural and accept people. Love is always about giving. Know that you have come here (on the planet) to on ...