Wisdom Search


  1. What is moksha?

    How do you feel when your exams are over? Relieved, liberated. That's a smaller version of moksha. ...
  2. How can I be sure to be in my last incarnation?

    When you are totally content, then you can say 'This is my last incarnation'. Even then, there is no criterion. Maybe nature wants you to come back and do some work, then you have to come back again. ...
  3. How can I have faith that God will take me out of this maya, especially since He created it?

    Only one who has created maya can take you out of it! From time to time, observe three things within:1. Desires. Desires come one after another; one gets fulfilled and another comes. Some desires don’t get fulfilled yet more desires ...
  4. Gurudev, is it alright for ordinary people like me to expect to be liberated?

    Only ordinary people have a chance to be liberated. One who thinks they are special, hold no chance at all; especially VIPs, they don’t have a chance. ...
  5. Gurudev, in the Pune Ashram there is Ayush Homa performed during birthdays and anniversaries. What is its significance?

    The chanting of mantras creates an environment of positivity and sacredness. Mantras have an impact at the subtle level also. Our physical body is the gross body, while our subtle body is 1.5 times larger than the gross body. And the Karana Sharira
  6. Gurudev, if we are being born again and again, when will this cycle of rebirth stop? How do we bring it to a stop?

    Through contentment. A deep sense of contentment and happiness within will stop the process of rebirth. ...
  7. How to come out of this cycle of birth and death?

    By continuing to do what you are doing now. You are in the right place.When you become content then you are liberated. If you want something (including contentment) then you cannot be contented. Have the faith that you will get what you want. And ...
  8. Gurudev, you mentioned that the trick is to cut the connection between thought and me. What makes us feel that the thought is mine?

    In Sanskrit this is called tadatma (identification).When you are watching a movie you are so identified with the movie that when something happens to the hero or heroine, you start crying. Doesn’t it happen?It used to happen in villages, ...
  9. After death will a person come back into another karmic body?

    See karma cannot be dissolved without a body. So one has to come back to the body to dissolve all the karmas. But moksha is possible.Moksha means relief from pain, relief from sufferings, relief from ignorance; the whole knowledge is about th ...
  10. Gurudev it is said that energy cannot be created or destroyed, then how can one get moksha? What does jeevan mukti mean?

    Moksha is a drop merging in the ocean. It cannot make the ocean disappear, nor the drop stop its existence totally. The drop merges in the ocean and become the ocean. Like the space in a pot cannot be destroyed, it can only merge with the greater ...