Wisdom Search


  1. Why do we need to choose a life partner Guruji? Life would be much simpler if we loved everyone or no one.

    Now, tell me what is your trouble? Do you have a partner or not? Then I will tell you. Or someone whom you are seeing, your girlfriend is asking you to choose and marry?! I know what is happening! You cannot ask me indirect questions and use it. (Laughter) ...
  2. Gurudev, I am in love with a girl who wants me to prove my love to her by asking for expensive gifts. You had said that love is absolutely free, but this one turned out to be extremely expensive for me!

    Come child, just learn the lesson! What love and friendship is, you will learn within a few days, as you grow older. Maybe she is testing you to see how much you can sacrifice. Love does demand sacrifice. So maybe she wants to see how miserly or gener ...
  3. Gurudev, you have told us how to be in a relationship. Please tell us how to come out of the relationship.

    You have already come out of it! When you want to come out of it, it is already gone, it's already done! Isn't it? Main thing is to relate yourself to the universe, to the Divinity. If you have a relationship with the Divine, you have a relationship w ...
  4. Gurudev, did your mother scold you? Please teach me how to control my temper. I really lose my temper at my mother very often.

    Yes, my mother used to scold me a lot! Do one thing. Everyday go and bow down in front of your mother. If you get angry at her one day, you will have to do pranaam the following day anyway. If you touch your mother's feet everyday and seek her blessings, e ...
  5. Gurudev, is it true that the relationship of a wife and husband lasts seven lifetimes? If this is true, I want moksha in this lifetime itself because in seven lifetimes I will become too frustrated!

    My dear, how do you know if this isn't the seventh one already! It might also be the sixth or the first. Just pray! Ask your wife also how she is faring. You are so frustrated, so ask your partner how frustrated or happy she is. It is impossible for o ...
  6. Is it true that when we meet a person for the first time and start feeling some spiritual connection, we have met them in a past life?

    It is possible. One thing, in an energy like this when we are all meditating, you may suddenly feel attracted to this person and that person, but don’t go by that. These attractions may be because you are in a different space and they are in a differe ...
  7. I feel I am a very loving person and I have a lot of love to give. All I ever wanted was to get married and have my own family and children, but it hasn’t happened even after so many years. How can I attract love and marriage to manifest in my life?

    Well, I don’t know. Not that there are no loving people, not that there are no single men and women. There are, but may be you are too choosy. If you think you are very loving, you find the other person not so loving. You’ll try to find faults in othe ...
  8. How do I know if the woman in my heart really loves me 100%?

    I have no idea, nor do you have any idea. Just take a chance. Even if it is 90%, it is good enough. Suppose someone asks you the same question, what would you say? You cannot guarantee your own love to someone 100%. May be this moment, yes, but what ...
  9. Dear Guruji, what to do when my spouse always wants to be the boss and chases me up? I love him very much but he makes me restless.

    A gentleman was asked, ‘who is the boss of the house?’ He said, ‘Me! But I have the permission from my wife to say so.’ So the wife had to give permission for him to say, ‘I am the boss.’ You be the boss, but be very subtle. There is a secret ab ...
  10. Dear Guruji, how to build a real pure relationship with others.

    Best not to try to build any relationship. Just be yourself. Be natural and be simple. Relationships develop naturally. If you try to build a relationship that is when you become a little artificial. Then your behavior becomes artificial which is not ...