Wisdom Search


  1. Dear Gurudev, is it okay if I surrender to you as my master but pray to Jesus at the same time? Isn’t it like sitting on two chairs at the same time?

    No, don’t worry. Actually, this word surrender should be removed from the dictionary, it has been so misused and misunderstood. You just relax, that is good enough. Relax with this knowledge and faith that you are being taken care of! It is thi ...
  2. You have mentioned earlier that Jesus lived in Mylapore which is in Chennai. Would you please talk more about that?

    Jesus lived in Mylapore, that is where he learnt the Vedanta. When he went back Saint Thomas would always doubt him. Jesus told him, “If you don’t believe me, you go see for yourself”. And that’s when Thomas came to India. ...
  3. Gurudev, in Maharashtra we are all familiar with the greatness of Saint Dnyaneshwar and Saint Tukaram. But people outside Maharashtra do not know them too well. Please speak a little about them.

    Yes, this is true. In our country, there have been many saints in different states and provinces. But people from one state do not know much about the saints from another state. This is because we have not incorporated their life stories in our educatio ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, when Buddha talked about giving up the world, what was his aim? Did he mean that we have to go away from the world?

    You must always see the context. If you talk about Buddha and what he said, then you should not forget to whom he spoke and what was the state of affairs at that time in the society he was in. Similarly if you want to talk about Jesus, or Mohammed, or a ...
  5. Gurudev, why did Lord Krishna slay Shishupala (an evil king in Mahabharata and a distant cousin of Lord Krishna) when he spoke ill and abused Lord Krishna? Lord Krishna could have chosen to punish him in some other way also. Why did He resort to killing him instead?

    Well, Lord Krishna did many things during His lifetime. Now, how do I say why He did what He did at that time? How would I know this?Every avatar (incarnation of the Divine) has done something or the other during their lifetime. You should ...
  6. Do yogis have a weekend?

    In between lifetimes! (Click Here to continue reading) ...
  7. Gurudev, what is the relation between God and Truth? And what should be the relationship between a master and a disciple?

    God is not somebody sitting in the heaven trying to give you a little finger which you want to go and catch, but he flies away. No! God is not some man or woman or somebody sitting somewhere. God is the summum bonum of the whole creation.< ...
  8. Why do masters sometimes ignore disciples? Can a Guru ever forsake or get fed up with a disciple?

    If you think you are very important, then you will be ignored. Got it? There is no question of forsaking. Does air forsake you? Does the sun forsake you?There is nothing called forsaking. If anyone feels like that, it is all in the mind.< ...
  9. Gurudev, how could Krishna teach Dhyan Yoga (meditation) or Karma Yoga (Service) without actually making him do meditation?

    When one is a Yogeshwara (Lord of Yoga), the effect of that gets translated almost immediately. You don’t have to do much. Say it and it immediately registers. There is a saying in Sanskrit, 'Rishinaam yatchittanaam vaacham arthonu dhaa ...
  10. Gurudev, how does a master decide, how much truth is to be revealed and how much to be concealed as the listeners may be on different stages of their spiritual growth.

    Real master does not make any effort at all. He has purity in heart, clarity in mind and spontaneity in action. ...