Wisdom Search


  1. Dear Gurudev, you have said that once we are on the path we should just relax as you are doing all the work. What does this mean?

    I say many things at many times, don’t take it of out context. You should keep it in context. I have said, ‘Till you catch a train you have to run, once you have caught the train, relax with your luggage. Just by you running inside the train ...
  2. Why are people so crazy?

    If you think people are crazy, are you one of them? If you think you are not one of them, someone else might think that you are crazy! In this world there is all types of craziness. If an alien comes to this planet and goes to a soccer stadium, he wo ...
  3. Gurudev, how do I know that what I am doing is right?

    At least now what you’re doing is right by asking this question. We must ask questions. When you stop asking questions, either you are fully satisfied or you are very stupid. If you are not fully satisfied, you can keep asking questions, it is goo ...
  4. Tips For Effective Leadership

    . Do Meditation Daily Take a few moments every day for doing nothing. It really brings a lot of energy and uplifts the spirit. I think this is what is needed today. Our brain is bombarded with so much information, and so we need to recharge from time to ...
  5. A Love That Never Dies

    Satsang means two things: 1. Intellectual discussion, which is a left brain activity2. Singing, which is a right brain activityBoth are necessary. We sing for some time and then if you have any question, you can ask and we will discuss. Dear Gurudev, what ...
  6. I feel like I live in two worlds, the Art of Living world and the rest. It is sometimes so difficult to combine the two. Could you comment on this?

    Good, be a bridge. You are the bridge, help people walk from here to there. It is a very short bridge. ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, what is the real purpose of our existence on the Earth as a living human being?

    It is to find out who you are and to become a little angel. When you’re living on this planet, bring a little happiness to everyone around you and you be happy. Be a little angel in the world. ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, how to let go of people who are no more in our life?

    Expand your vision about yourself, about life and about this universe. This universe has been there for at least 19 billion years, and it is part of a billion of galaxies. If you observe the cosmos, the solar system is like a dot.The ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, what is success in love?

    Love is not a business to have success or failure, love is not a career to have success or failure, love is not even an act which you can call as success or failure, love is your nature my dear!Whether you express it or not, it is there. Ju ...
  10. Gurudev, you said that during shivaratri, the divine comes closest to this planet. Please elaborate.

    No, it is not like that. The whole planet is the Divine. What I had said was that on Shivaratri, the Shiva Tattva touches the Earth, meaning the Shiva Tattva becomes so alive, and one is able to experience it much more strongly. The ...