Wisdom Search


  1. How can I convert thoughts into actions without inhibitions?

    You are thinking too much, just be spontaneous and actions will just flow. You are anyways doing it all the time. You don’t have to ask this question. If you want to go for a movie, you just follow the thought. If you want to have some snacks, the ...
  2. Gurudev, when time is good, everyone is good to you. So are people actually good or is the goodness of time that makes people good around you? I am confused.

    I think you already know the answer.There are people you have helped day and night and yet they have become your enemies. Haven’t they? How many of you have had this experience? You have not done anything wrong to somebody and yet they have ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, do people who are single have reserved quota on the path of enlightenment? Is enlightenment difficult for a householder?

    No. Enlightenment is the simplest state of consciousness. Uncomplicated thinking and the simplest form of thinking.Enlightenment is becoming a child again, so it is open to all. You only need de-condition yourself as we have conditioned our mind i ...
  4. Gurudev, I have heard of this thing called Guru Mandala. What is Guru Mandala? Is it good for us sadhaks?

    Guru Mandala refers to the several circles (that you have to cross) before you reach the centre. It refers to the many attractions, many temptations, many repulsions and all that which makes you stronger. If you pass all that, you come to the cent ...
  5. Imperfect Is The New Perfect

    (Below is a continuation of the post Are You Perfect?) See, the world is like this, there is pleasure and there is pain. This is the nature of the world. Some or the other reason will always present itself for you to be upset. Sometimes it could be the be ...
  6. Are You Perfect?

    In society, in day to day events, there are so many chances to get frustrated, and when such things happen, there is nothing you can do. Something or the other keeps coming up to get frustrated about. Do you see what I am saying? You want perfection and p ...
  7. The 10 Steps To Happiness

    How to be Happy in Life: Here are the steps to follow to stay happy in life. 1 Reduce Your Needs & Increase Your Responsibilities If you sit and make a note of all your responsibilities and all your needs, and if you find that your needs are more than ...
  8. Having Faith Can Make you Happy!

    What you need to remember at all times is this, ' There is someone who loves me very dearly, and is taking care of me at all times. He cannot be without me and He is all capable of removing any lack that I have '. Knowing this brings such joy to ...
  9. The 3 Things That Stop You From Being Happy

    Every child is nothing but a bundle of joy, but as we grow up, somewhere, we lose that joy. A child smiles 400 times a day. When a child grows up and becomes an adolescent, he smiles only 17 times a day, and when he becomes an adult, he smiles occasionall ...
  10. Happiness Is Your Very Nature

    Peace and happiness is what we are made up of! So the real quest for happiness is actually the quest towards Our Own Inner Self If you turn your mind inward a little bit, and just observe what is happening inside you, you will always be happy. Unhappine ...