23/12/2010 Turkey
Gurudev : What topic you want me to talk about?
A person in the audience says, “Fear”
Gurudev : Fear is love, upside down!
A person in the audience says, “Love"
Gurudev : Love! That is what you are!
A person in the audience says, “Longing”
Gurudev : A prelude to love!
A person in the audience says, “Loss”
Gurudev : You can say that every loss is a prelude to a bigger gain.
A person in the audience says, “Faith.”
Gurudev : To understand faith, you must know doubt.
A person in the audience says, “Grace.”
Gurudev : Grace comes with gratitude.
If you feel grateful, then something comes up in your life - and that is grace.
If you feel grateful, then something comes up in your life - and that is grace.